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2  It seems fitting to start             3 But he’s not just a great man: He is also a great scientist, who has
   with Dr. Gutman the man.                     contributed enormously to science and to this country. Thanks to Dr.
                                        Gutman's initiative and hard work, Israel became the first country in the world
A wonderful and special man, who        where all fuel sold at gas stations, both diesel and gasoline, contains sediment-
                                        reducing additives. This saves drivers thousands of shekels in engine repairs, not
dedicated hours of his personal
                                                                                                        to mention the aggravation of
time to helping those who needed                                                                        car troubles and visits to the
                                                                                                        garage. None of this would
it. I remember telling him, in my                                                                       have been possible without the
                                                                                                        development of novel methods
early days of working at the faculty,                                                                   of checking engines, which
                                                                                                        Dr. Gutman led in the TICEL
about how I was renting a completely                                                                    under the direction of the late
                                                                                                        professors Arthur Stotter and
empty apartment, and my family and                                                                      Yoram Zvirin. It could not have
                                                                                                        happened without Dr. Gutman’s
I lacked the most basic supplies. Dr.                                                                   insistence and faith in the
                                                                                                        righteousness of his mission,
Gutman didn’t say a thing, but two      which enabled him to overcome bureaucratic obstacles, “survive” dozens of hours
                                        of meetings in various and sundry committees, and ultimately achieve the desired
days later informed me that he had      outcome.
                                        Thanks to Dr. Gutman’s work, and to the development of new methods for
organized a van from the Technion to    evaluating the stability of diesel, the IDF solved one of its most difficult problems in
                                        long-term fuel storage; for this, the IDF remains immensely grateful to Dr. Gutman.
bring me, completely free of charge,    In the mid-nineties, Israel was one of the first to join the club of advanced countries
                                        to outlaw leaded fuel and allowed the massive introduction of vehicles that reduced
the furniture we so desperately         air pollution thanks to a catalytic converter that required unleaded fuel; this is also
                                        thanks to Dr. Gutman’s initiative and hard work.
needed at the time. I remember how
                                         4 Dr. Gutman was endowed with a rare knack for
in those early days after immigrating
                                               identifying technology trends that most people miss.
(and every immigrant will agree that    This was evident in the mid-eighties when he pushed with
                                        all his might for transitioning to vehicles that use renewable
the first years are the hardest and     methanol fuel. During that period, he performed an experiment
                                        in collaboration with Dor
most challenging) my young son          that included tens of
                                        thousands of vehicles that
was injured, and we didn’t know         were operated with fuel
                                        containing methanol. This
what to do or where to turn. And        was one of the biggest
                                        experiments in this field
we didn’t have a car. As usual, I       anywhere in the world.
                                        Forty years later, today
told my friend Dr. Gutman about it      everyone agrees that
                                        methanol is one of the
and he, despite his perpetually full    most promising renewable
                                        substitutes for fossil fuels,
schedule, dropped everything in that    which can be manufactured
                                        while absorbing CO2 from the atmosphere, and thus truly solve
moment, put me in his car and drove     the problem of greenhouse gas emissions.
                                        With his tremendous contribution to the Technion and the entire
my son and I to the hospital to get     country, and with his unique personality, Dr. Gutman serves as a
                                        role model for us all, and especially for young researchers, as a
help, stayed with us while my son       shining example of a man, scientist and citizen.

was being treated, and brought us

back home once we were given the

all-clear. To this very day, my oldest

son – now a father to three children

of his own – says confidently that Dr.

Gutman is the best person he’s ever

met in his life. And these are just a

few of hundreds of stories about this

wonderful man’s kindheartedness,

resourcefulness, determination,

wisdom and generosity. Stories

like this explain why people still

recognize, remember, and afford

great respect to Dr. Gutman

whenever he visits the University of

Iasi, even 40 years after he left.

                                        Faculty of Mechanical Engineering | MEgazine | 25
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