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other ways. When you work with two        Photo: Private album                                     demonstrating that the solution

         amazing professors who push you                                                                    we offer is better than existing

         and your research forward – there’s                                                                measurable solutions. The next

Academy  no limit to what you can learn and                                                                 study will test the solution on peo-

         achieve.”                                                                                          ple with pathological findings.”

         Shaulian, whose field of research                                                                  Elgarisi, as mentioned, is a

         is biomechanics, did her degree in                                                                 researcher in Prof. Moran Ber-

         Prof. Alon Wolf’s Biorobotics and                                                                  covici’s Microfluidic Technolo-

         Biomechanics Lab (her co-advisor                                                                   gies Laboratory. “We utilize the

         was Prof. Amit Gefen from the Fac-                                                                 basic physical phenomena of flu-

         ulty of Engineering at Tel Aviv Uni-                                 Hadar Shaulian: “The          ids such as surface tension and
         versity). “My research focused on                                faculty invests in its graduate   buoyancy to shape fluids and
         dispersing pressure in the feet of di-                          students – budgets, attention,     ultimately turn them into use-
         abetes patients in order to effective-                           the whole package. My years       ful optical components such as
         ly treat ulcers in these patients,” she                           of advanced research in the      lenses for glasses or for making
         says. “Unfortunately, diabetes is a                              faculty gave me tons of tools.    telescopes in space.
         common disease, and the numbers                                  I started my current job with
         are only growing around the world.                              completely different capabilities     “In my opinion, I’m in the
         One of the results of the disease is                                                               coolest lab there is: we combine
         pressure ulcers that develop in areas                               in terms of knowledge,         the principles of fluid mechanics
                                                                                                            with the field of optics, and cou-

         where strain is concentrated, espe- confidence and independence” pled this with topics related to

         cially the feet; and to effectively pre-                                                           space. Recently we even sent our

         vent and treat them, the burden must be regulated. experimental system to the International Space Sta-

         “We developed a 3D model of the foot that was tion, where Israeli astronaut Eytan Stibbe made lens-

         based on a CT scan, for use in a finite element en- es in space for the very first time by using the surface

         vironment. This enabled us to look at the foot’s in- tension of the fluid under microgravity conditions. I

         ternal tissues, and not just at the external pressures. have an awesome advisor who both makes sure that

         In the next stage we developed a solution: support everyone develops their research independently,

         for the foot that reduces pressure and spreads the but also knows how to provide professional and ac-

         weight more equally.                                            ademic guidance when necessary. Our lab has over

         “At the end of the research, once we had a solu- ten people – students, engineers, and research as-

         tion, we started experimenting on healthy people. We sistants. We all push each other, and that’s very im-

         printed soles with a 3D printer and published an article portant in a research environment.                                          

                                                      A Piece of Advice

                                                   The golden rules for finding an advisor

1                                                  2                                      3

Don’t be shy. Proactively approach                 Discuss. It’s a good idea to talk to   Research. Check the research
potential advisors. Professors are                 veteran master’s and PhD students in   fields of professors in the different
in constant need of a high-quality                 the potential advisor’s team as well.  laboratories. We recommend going
workforce for their research teams,                They were in your shoes not long ago,  the extra mile and reading a few
and they are happy to give of their                and many would be happy to share       studies they published – or at least
time to students who approach them.                and explain.                           the abstract.

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