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advisors, I developed actuators and       development of this infrastructure at UC   involving high accelerations or rapid
electroactive polymers and invented       Berkeley, but this time with a focus on
innovative manufacturing techniques       online mathematical optimization.          phase changes. Research in this
on a micronic and nanometric scale.       Position I teach systems theory
During my PhD, I was awarded the          and control theory courses at the          field has many applications: medical
Marian Gertner Medical Nanosystems        Faculty of Mechanical Engineering.
Fellowship, the NA'AMAT Award for         My students and I conduct research         (extracting cell components , laser
Women in Engineering Sciences, and        about the intersection between control
the prestigious National Student Award    theory, mathematical optimization and      surgery, shock wave lithotripsy),
from the American Vacuum Society.         machine learning.
I did a post-doctoral fellowship at       Journey I did my BSc in a double-          industrial (releasing particles created
Stanford University, where I
was awarded the Stanford                       degree program at the Technical       by combustion in vehicles and industry,
ChEM-H Mechanobiology                               University of Kaiserslautern
Postdoctoral Fellowship                                in Germany and Lund           dispersing exhaust particles from jet
and the Postdoctoral                                     University in Sweden. I
Award from the Israeli                                    completed my MSc in        engines), and ecological (transferring
Council for Higher                                        engineering mathematics
Education (VATAT).                                        at Lund University and     aerosol pollutants from the
Family Status I am                                       TU Kaiserslautern with top
married to Giora, whom I                               grades. I did my PhD at Lund  petrochemical industry). One complex
met outside the first applied                       University.
mathematics class of my physics                                                      challenge presented by research in the
degree; and mother to Maya, who was             Family Status I am 36 and
born during my PhD; Oz, who was born      married with a daughter. Our daughter      field is analytically describing systems
during my post-doc; and Alon, who         speaks four languages: German,
was born just before I started at the     Korean, English and Hebrew.                in which there is more than one phase.
Technion.                                 In My Free Time Over the last 12 years
In My Free Time My ideal evening          I have lived in Germany, Sweden, Great     To address this challenge, the lab will
would be cooking while listening to       Britain, the United States and Israel.
good music or an interesting lecture. I   Hebrew is the sixth language I have        apply innovative technologies such as
make chicken soup and challah bread       studied. Since leaving Germany, I enjoy
with my kids almost every Friday. I also  cooking and baking German dishes for       rapid simultaneous photography with
love hiking in nature with my family.     my family and friends.
Inspiration Discussing science with       Inspiration My icons are those             multiple cameras and high frequency
young researchers always inspires me.     who surround me: my family, friends,
                                          teachers, colleagues, students, and        pressure measurements.
Christian Grussler                        people I collaborate with – who have
                                          all influenced my way of thinking. A       Journey I completed all three of
Where I Come From My two                  teacher’s job is to impart knowledge;
previous positions were post-doctoral     but even more than that, we learn and      my degrees in the Department of
fellowships at the University of          teach a way of thinking.
Cambridge and at UC Berkeley. At the                                                 Mechanical Engineering at Ben-
University of Cambridge, I was part of a  Omri Ram
group developing theoretical tools for                                               Gurion University of the Negev,
neuroscience systems. The problems        The Transient Fluid
I was researching led me to focus on      Mechanics Laboratory                       where my doctoral thesis focused on
what we call “variation diminishing” – a
concept that combines neural networks     Where I Come From I joined the             the interaction of shock waves with
and systems theory. At Cambridge I        faculty after completing a post-doctoral
worked to understand this idea within a   fellowship at Johns Hopkins University     structures. I then became a post-
systems theory framework, and I began     in Baltimore.
discovering connections to machine        Position I am setting up the Transient     doctoral fellow and researched dynamic
learning. I continued working on the      Fluid Mechanics Laboratory. The lab
                                          will research transient flow phenomena     phenomena of multi-phase flow.
                                          in gases and liquids, including those
                                                                                     During my PhD I was

                                                                                     awarded the Negev

                                                                                     Fellowship from


                                                                                     University and

                                                                                     the Adams


                                                                                     from the Israel

                                                                                     Academy of

                                                                                     Sciences and

                                                                                     Humanities. My

                                                                                     post-doc was partially funded

                                                                                     by a Fulbright Postdoctoral Fellowship

                                                                                     from the United States government. My

                                                                                     lab at the Technion was established in

                                                                                     part with funding from the Zuckerman

                                                                                     Faculty Scholars program.

                                                                                     Family Status I am married to Gali,

                                                                                     a post-doctoral fellow in the Faculty of

                                                                                     Biomedical Engineering, and father to

                                                                                     6-year-old Talia.

                                                                                     In My Free Time I like reading

                                                                                     articles and books in fields that are

                                                                                     not connected to my research, namely

                                                                                     biographies of interesting people and

                                                                                     the history of science.                   

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