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Academy                                            Evgeniy Boyko                                 In My Free Time I was born in Siberia,
                                                                                                 so I naturally love winter sports such as
                                                       Head of the Complex Flows                 ice skating and skiing. In winter I try to
                                                          and Non-Newtonian                      ski every chance I get. There is no better
                                                            Fluids Research Lab                  experience than standing at the top of a
                                                                                                 snowy mountain, breathing in the fresh air
                                                   Where I Come From I joined                    and enjoying the endless white landscape
                                                                                                 around me.
                                                   the faculty in December 2022                  Inspiration The most important figure
                                                                                                 who inspires me in life is my 90-year-old
                                                   following two and a half years of             grandmother, who experienced the horrors
                                                                                                 of war but remained optimistic and kept
                                                   post-doctoral studies in the United           believing in people. From my supervisors
                                                                                                 and other academics I met along the way, I
                                                   States: I started out at Princeton            learned two important things: that anyone
                                                                                                 who wants to be a researcher must be
                                                   University’s Department of Mechanical         “sharp”; and that despite the difficulties
                                                                                                 in research, you must always keep moving
                                                   and Aerospace Engineering; and after a        forward.

                                                   year I began a second post-doc at Purdue      Leeya Engel

                                                   University, with a double appointment at      Head of the Bio-MEMS Lab

                                                   the schools of mechanical and chemical        Where I Come From I joined the faculty
                                                                                                 after seven years in Silicon Valley, where
                                                   engineering. I studied non-Newtonian fluid    I was a visiting student researcher at UC
                                                                                                 Berkeley and then a post-doctoral fellow at
                                                   mechanics at both institutions.               Stanford University. At UC Berkeley I worked
                                                                                                 on integrating electroactive polymers
                                                   Position I am setting up a new lab in         in microfluidics. At Stanford University
                                                                                                 I entered the fields of bio-solvents and
                                                   the faculty to research complex flows and     mechanobiology.
                                                                                                 Position I am setting
New                                                non-Newtonian fluids. Anyone who has          up the faculty’s first
Brains                                              ever used toothpaste or struggled with       bio-MEMS lab. Our
                                                      getting ketchup out of a squeeze           interdisciplinary
                                                       bottle can appreciate the challenges      research combines
                                                        associated with the flow of such         microdevice
                                                        fluids. Our group researches the         engineering and
                                                        flow and transitional phenomena of       cell biology, which
                                                       fluids like these in a range of natural   will allow us to conduct
                                                      situations and industrial applications     innovative mechanobiology
                                                                                                 research. We will also incorporate innovative
                                                   by using analytical modeling, numerical       microscopy techniques to bring together the
                                                                                                 cell’s microenvironment and its nanometer
                                                   simulations and quantitative comparison       substructures.
                                                                                                 Journey A year after immigrating to
                                                   of experiments. We aspire to bridge the gap   Israel from New York, I began studying
                                                                                                 physics at Hebrew University of Jerusalem. I
                                                   between fluid mechanics and polymer           continued to a direct PhD track in materials
                                                                                                 engineering and nanotechnologies at Tel
         They’re brilliant,                        science, thus improving existing              Aviv University, where I fell in love with
                                                     industrial applications and paving          the field of solvents. Working with my

creative, swimming in                              the way toward new ones.
academic recognition–                                Journey I was born in Siberia
                                                    and immigrated to Israel with my

 and eager to research                             family at age 12. After serving
and teach. Meet our four                           in the IDF as an infantry soldier,
                                                   I entered the faculty’s Reamim

new faculty members                                 – Research and Development
                                                   program, where I graduated

                                                   magna cum laude. In the last year

                                                   of my BSc, I concurrently began

                                                   studying for my MSc, where I researched

                                                   interactions between viscous fluids,

                                                   electrical forces and elastic medium. After

                                                   one semester, I entered the direct PhD track

                                                   and was awarded the Adams Fellowship

                                                   from the Israel Academy of Sciences and

                                                   Humanities. I was also awarded four

                                                   scholarships for post-doctoral programs,

                                                   including the Rothschild Fellowship and the

                                                   Zuckerman Israeli Postdoctoral Scholarship.

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