Page 23 - ME-06-E
P. 23

The international program curriculum is identical       attracting young people from all over the world and           International
to that of the regular program. The academic lev-          appealing to Israeli students who want an interna-      program students
el is likewise the same. The main difference is that       tional academic experience. It will contribute to our
classes are taught in English. Another difference is       bachelor’s program by making courses available in           receiving their
the lecturers: about a third of them are active faculty    English, and it will boost our research by encouraging     diplomas. “The
members, another third are retired faculty members,        students to stay on for their masters’ and Ph.Ds.”        goal is to create
and the rest are external lecturers or experts from the                                                               a program with
industry. “There are more external lecturers at the in-    Enriching the Locals                                      an international
ternational program, and we are working to increase                                                                feel, appealing to
the number of active faculty members,” Gat promis-         And Building Bridges for New Repatriates                 students from all
es. “This is our first objective as we try to improve the                                                             over the world”
international program. In time, I expect the percent-         The faculty sees great value in the international
age of faculty members will go up.”                        program and spares no expense to ensure its suc-
                                                           cess. “This program’s value is threefold,” Gat ex-
   When we ask Assoc. Prof. Gat where he sees the          plains. “Firstly, some courses are conducted in mixed
program some time from now, he makes sure not to           groups with students from both programs. That way,
aim too high: “Some time from now, this program will       Israeli students get to meet people from different
be an essential part of the faculty. It will make study-   cultures and enjoy an international university expe-
ing here an international experience for all students,

                                                           Faculty of Mechanical Engineering | MEgazine | 23
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