Page 3 - annual report 2023
P. 3

Our Mission                “Power to Investigative Journalism”.
                           Shomrim’s logo over a building
                           during a demonstration in Tel- Aviv.
                           Photo by: Bea Bar Kallosh

Empowering Democracy, Exposing Truth,
and Transforming Societal Narratives

Shomrim – The Center for Media and Democracy is Israel’s only independent, non-
profit investigative news organization whose unique model works in cooperation with
for profit media outlets in order to generate change.
Established in December 2019, its mission is to strengthen Israeli democracy through
investigative journalism that holds power accountable and dives deeply into stories
that might otherwise go untold. In an era inundated with information, the imperative
for unbiased, in-depth reporting, especially concerning issues of importance to
underserved communities, has never been more critical.
Shomrim stands as a beacon of journalistic integrity and commitment to the public's
right to know.

Shomrim |3| Annual Report
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