Page 8 - annual report 2023
P. 8

Members of the press      rights and resilience among those evacuated as a community
photograph Israeli soldiers    and displaced individuals, and the pressure-cooker environment
                               of temporary lodgings. Following the publication of this story, a
   as they take cover from     Knesset discussion was held on the rising violence at the evacuee
incoming rockets launched

       from the Gaza Strip.
Photo: Reuters/Violeta Santos


                               hotels. Sade was interviewed during the discussion and the story

received wide-ranging exposure and follow-up in the media.

Chen Shalita delved into the sensitive issue of interviewing the young hostages who

were freed from Hamas captivity. Investigators faced the challenge of striking a

delicate balance between extracting potentially life-saving information about hostages

still in Gaza and the recognition that a poorly phrased question could reignite trauma,

resulting in enduring emotional harm.

Shomrim published 49 stories and 31 data stories from the outbreak of the war on

October 7 until the end of 2023, and continues its exclusive coverage and investigative

stories in 2024.

                               Shomrim |8| Annual Report
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