Page 12 - annual report 2023
P. 12

Story Highlights and Impact 2023

Extreme Israeli                      S homrim’s joint investigation with the Associated Press (AP)
Group Takes                                news agency revealed that the Israeli nonprofit organization
Root in US with                      “Shalom Esreich” that financially supports the murderer of Prime
Fundraising Bid                      Minister Yitzhak Rabin, the murderer of a Palestinian family in
                                     2015, the murderer of a girl at a Gay Pride Parade in Jerusalem
Uri Blau                             in 2015, and other Jews convicted of nationalist crimes, is raising
                                     funds in the United States. The American donations are tax-
   Amiram Ben-Uliel is brought       deductible in the US, meaning that the American government
   for a verdict in the case of      indirectly subsidizes these contributions. The article, published
   the 2015 arson attack, which      in AP, was picked up by over 100 international media outlets.
   killed a Palestinian toddler and  In Israel, it was published in leading media including: Calcalist,
   his parents in the West Bank      Ynet, Haaretz, Jerusalem Post and The Times of Israel.
   village of Duma.
    Photo by: Reuters                   Impact: Following the publication of the investigation,
                                        the World of Tzedeka organization, a registered 501(c)3
                                        organization in the United States that serves as a pipeline
                                        for transferring donations to a number of nonprofits in
                                        Israel, and through which donations were transferred to
                                        Shalom Esreich, announced that it would stop transferring
                                        donations to the organization.

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