Page 13 - annual report 2023
P. 13

Tel Aviv’s                    A n investigation by Shomrim dove into the neglect in the
Crime Quarter:                      southern Tel Aviv neighborhood of Neve Sha’anan. It found
31 Brothels,                  more than 30 brothels operating illegally, drug dealers and
Drug Deals on                 illegal gambling in broad daylight in residential areas. Exclusive
Deckchairs                    documentation revealed that the police made a conscious
and No Police                 decision not to enforce the law in order to prevent this pocket
                              of crime from spilling over into other neighborhoods. The result
Roni Singer                   was the abandonment of the residents of the neighborhood, of
                              illegal sex trafficking, prostitution and drugs, all without police
                              intervention or enforcement. The story was also published by

Neglect in the neighborhoods  Impact: A group of neighborhood resident filed a case with
of South Tel Aviv. The        the Supreme Court against the policy of the police and their
individuals depicted in the   lack of enforcement in the neighborhood. A few days after
photograph are unrelated to   the publication of the article, the police raided 11 of the 31
the content of the article.   brothels and closed them down. In May, the Court criticized
Photo by: Bea Bar Kallosh     the police for their lack of enforcement, citing Shomrim’s

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