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Will you make the
         difference for one child?
                                                                                          Editorial Chair
                                                                                   Naomi Zurba, MSN-Ed, RN-BC, RNC-OB
                                                                                   AaNA BOARD OF DIRECTORS
                                                                                President   Jane Erickson, ADN, RN, CCRN
          Foster parents are needed throughout the state to provide a safe,     Vice President   Terra Colegrove, BSN, RN
              loving and nurturing home for children with medical needs.        Treasurer      Kimberly Kluckman, RN
                                                                                Staff Nurse Director   Susan Bain, BSN, RN
          Find out how you can help: 1-800-478-7307 •       Rural Director      Karen Morton, RN
                                                                                Greater Alaska Director
                                                                                     Sarah Hargrave, MS, BSN, RN, CPHQ
                                                                                Labor Council Chair (designee)
                                                                                               Donna Phillips, BSN, RN
                                                                                Directors At Large
                                                                                              Beth Farnstrom, BSN, RN
                                                                                              Cynthia Booher, PhD, RN
                                                                                                     Katie Davis, RN
                                                                                               Shelley Burlison, RN-BC
                                                                                   Quinn Sharkey, MA, CCDS, RN-BC, CEM
                                                                                Student Nurse Liaisons
                                                                                             Elena Lamas-Toribio – UAA

                                                                                      AaNA LABOR COUNCIL
                                                                                Chair          Donna Phillips, BSN, RN
                                                                                Vice-Chair    Terra Colegrove, BSN, RN
                                                                                Secretary        Susan Bain, BSN, RN
                                                                                Treasurer      Kimberly Kluckman, RN
                                                                                Directors      Shelley Burlison, RN-BC
                                                                                                     Katie Davis, RN
                                                                                   Quinn Sharkey, MA, CCDS, RN-BC, CEM
                                                                                PAMC BU Rep  Jane Erickson, ADN, RN, CCRN
                                                                                Soldotna BU Rep             Vacant
                                                                                Ketchikan BU Rep      Katie Shull, RN

                                                                                   AFFILIATIONS AND CONNECTIONS
                                                                                        Alaska School Nurses Association
                                                                                   Alaska Home Care & Hospice Association
                                                                                                     Alaska AFL-CIO
                                                                                         Anchorage Central Labor Council
                                                                                   American Federation of Teachers, Nurses
                                                                                            and Healthcare Professionals
                                                                                                    National AFL-CIO
                                                                                               Protect Our Care Alaska
                                                                                 To update your address, contact AaNA:
                                                                                        Phone: 907.274.0827

                                                                                The Alaska Nurse is produced in Anchorage,
                                                                                  Alaska and published six times a year by

                                                                                       601 W 41st Ave., Ste. 102
                                                                                        Anchorage, AK 99503
                                                                                        Phone: 907.868.9050
                                                                                         Fax: 907.562.9050
                                                                                          Visit us online at

      2  | THE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE ALASKA NURSES ASSOCIATION                                                                                                                          THE ALASKA NURSE •  OCTOBER/NOVEMBER 2018 |   3
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