Page 6 - TheAlaskaNurseOctNov2018
P. 6

CoNTiNued from Page 5
                                                                               of the day was a blur of charting
                                                                               and paperwork. When the medical
                                                                               examiner came to take the body,
                                                                               the mother had left the room briefly
                                                                               to go eat. The ME was going to take
                                                                               the body without her there. This
                                                                               really  bothered  me.    How  dare  he
                                                                               take this child before the mother was
                                                                               able to say goodbye one last time?
                                                                               I understand this is something  this
                                                                               person does every day and he has a
                                                                               schedule to keep and is very busy, but
                                                                               it seemed heartless that he wouldn’t
                                                                               wait 10 minutes for the mom.  She
                                                                               hadn’t eaten all day because her child
                                                                               had died and she had been holding
                                                                               him.  Thankfully, she showed up just
                                                                               in time.
                                                                                  Once the ME  left,  the family
                                                                               gathered  their belongings and  we
                                                                               said our goodbyes. I told them I was
                                                                               sorry that there was nothing more we
                                                                               could do and the mom looked at me
                                                                               and said, “You tried everything you
                                                                               could.” The family thanked the staff
                                                                               for all their hard work and said they
                                                                               were very grateful for us. I looked
                                                                               to my preceptor and asked, “Now
                                                                               what?” We  discharged the patient
                                                                               from the computer  and called the
                                                                               monitor studio. I saw my educator and
                                                                               she told me to go home. I thanked my
                                                                               preceptor for everything and received
                                                                               multiple hugs from coworkers. I have
                                                                               never felt so much love and support
                                                                               from an amazing group of people. I
                                                                               know that I would not be able to do
                                                                               this job without them.
                                                                                  I got home and just started crying
                                                                               in my car. My fiancé came out and
                                                                               gave me a hug. I walked in the house
                                                                               and sat on the floor, hugged my dogs,
                                                                               and let them lick my face. My fiancé
                                                                               and I went for a bike ride, and that
                                                                               is exactly what I needed to clear my
                                                                               mind. Being outdoors is very important
                                                                               for me during a time like this.  It re-
                                                                               centers me and humbles me. Also,
                                                                               writing everything down is important
                                                                               and  gives  me  a  chance  to  process
                                                                               everything and I feel like I am able
                                                                               to move on. I will always remember
                                                                               this day, but I will look back and be
                                                                               grateful for everything I learned. This
                                                                               experience has helped me become a
                                                                               better nurse and a better person.

      6  | THE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE ALASKA NURSES ASSOCIATION                                                                                                                          THE ALASKA NURSE •  OCTOBER/NOVEMBER 2018 |   7
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