Page 8 - TheAlaskaNurseOctNov2018
P. 8


                                 May Harm Children

                               By PameLa miLLer, exeCuTive direCTor, aLaska CommuNiTy aCTioN oN ToxiCs

           The American Academy of Pediatrics recently issued    as hardeners in polycarbonate plastic food and
        a landmark statement and technical report, warning that   beverage containers. Health concerns include:
        certain chemicals found in food packaging and foods      neurodevelopmental harm, impairment of immune
        may harm the health of children by interfering with their   system, alterations in timing of puberty, decreased
        hormones, growth and development.                        fertility, estrogenic and obesogenic.

           The chemicals of greatest concern cited in          • Per- and polyfluorinated substances (PFAS)—
        the report and based on the latest scientific            chemicals used to “grease-proof” cardboard and
        evidence include:                                        paper food packaging, such as fast food wrappers,
                                                                 microwave popcorn bags, pizza and other take-out
          • Phthalates—chemicals used to soften plastics and
                                                                 boxes. Health concerns include: immune system
            make them more flexible, including in plastic food wrap
                                                                 suppression,  thyroid  disruption, decreased  birth
            and in food manufacturing equipment such as tubing.
                                                                 weight, and impairment of fertility.
            Health concerns include: harm to the reproductive
            development of boys, contributor to childhood obesity,
            and linked with cardiovascular disease.
                                                               • Perchlorate—used  in  plastic  food  packaging  to
                                                                 reduce static. Health concerns include: disrupts
                                                                 thyroid function, impairs brain development.
          • Bisphenols (such as bisphenol-A)—chemical
            additives used in the linings of food cans and

      8  | THE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE ALASKA NURSES ASSOCIATION                                                                                                                          THE ALASKA NURSE •  OCTOBER/NOVEMBER 2018 |   9
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