Page 20 - Runt Pig by Mamo
P. 20
Well, we put him down in this box by the kitchen stove and there he slept for a while and then he wakened up and he was still horrible. And you know, Runt Pig got worse all day long.
And that night he died.
And we said, ''Grandmother what should we do?" We must bury Runt Pig and can't we bury him out here in the orchard."
She said, "Yes, we can."
Well, there was a very nice boy that worked there named Pearl. Did you ever hear of a boy named Pearl? He's the only one I ever did and this was a Black Pearl. Pearl had my uncle's long black coat on to make him look like a preacher.
It was still raining and we went out with an umbrella over us and we took a wheel barrel with Runt Pig in his little box for a coffin.
We dug a grave for him under an apple tree and we put a little cross at the top of the grave and drew some Forget-Me- Nots flowers on it with colored crayons.
On the cross it said, "Here lies Runt Piggity Ruddity Do beloved by all." We never forgot Runt Pig. Not ever.
And we know he never forgot us.