Page 62 - Job
P. 62

warnings that I see.
           Now  remember,  from  Colossians  1:28,  it  says:  “We  proclaim  Him,
           admonishing  every  man.”  God  has  never  called  me  or  any  man  to
           preach  warnings.  God  has  never  called  me  or  any  man  to  preach  the
           promises  of  God.  We  proclaim  Him,  promising.  We  proclaim  Him,
           admonishing. I am not going to just give you a bunch of warnings. I am
           going to proclaim Christ, warning every  man. There is a big difference
           there because one way puts too much of the responsibility on me and you.
           As  we  struggle  to  stay  Christ-centered,  seek  Him  alone  and  obey  His
           voice, we agree with all that He is doing. The Holy Spirit of God convicts
           people of their sin not us. So,  I call attention to that because I do not
           want you to get your eyes on warnings. I want to present warnings, but in
           a Christ-centered way.
           The first warning is this. Beware of half-truths. You see, they said true
           things, but they did not preach the truth. The truth is a person. “I am
           the Way, the Truth and the Life”. When you go through this section you
           will find a lot of true things, but these men were not preaching the truth.
           This is the age old story. When man fell in the Garden of Eden, he fell
           under the influence of a half-truth. Satan did not tell the whole story; he
           left  something  out.  “Ye  shall  be  as  gods,    knowing  good  and  evil.”
           That is what Satan said. Here is what he did not say. Ye shall be as gods
           and know good, but as men you won’t be able to perform it. You shall
           know evil, but not be able to refrain from it. He did not tell them that part.
           He just said you will know good and evil. He did not tell them about the
           horrible struggle this knowledge would bring to them and then ultimately
           to us.
           God’s people have suffered through the years with half-truths. Was there
           any element of truth in their philosophy – suffering is caused by sin? Sure,
           there’s  truth  in  that.  In  at  least  two  aspects  it  is  true.  Number  one,  all
           suffering is indirectly caused by sin. You see, if Adam and Eve had never
           sinned, there would be no suffering on the earth. So it is foundationally
           caused by sin. They were right, but only caused by sin indirectly.  The
           fact is, much suffering is caused by the law of sowing and reaping. It is
           the  great  doctrine  of  chastening.  God  disciplines  His  children.  Not
           punishment, but training. Not because you have done something, but in
           order  to  instruct  and  to  teach.  The  worst  lie  is  the  unbalanced  truth.
           Standing on thin ice you are convinced is thick enough to hold you.

           The second warning I see from this negative section is a warning against
           arguing. Especially, violent argument. And, boy, they got violent! Do not
           waste time trying to cause a prejudiced mind to understand something.

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