Page 12 - AvradelSTORM v1.0
P. 12

The ‘Avradel STORM’ App (Cont’d)

        Storm Network

            •  A closed private social network called

                ‘STORM Network’, where residents and

                government officials can share weather

                 and natural disaster information ‘live’.

                Information can include:

                   o Text, photographs and video

        Social Media

            •  During the 2018 Hawaii false missile

                alert, residents turned to social media to

                get information and contact families.

                 Avradel realises that during severe

                storms or natural disasters, residents and
                                                                                          Avradel Ltd
                businesses will use social media to
                                                                                          110 Wisbech Road
                communicate. With this being the case,
                                                                                          Cambridgeshire PE15 8EF
                Avradel has built in social media to the

                app:                                                                      M: 07740 397560

                   o Facebook – Twitter – LinkedIn – Google+                              Email:
                       - Instagram – Youtube – Pinterest

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