Page 15 - AvradelSTORM v1.0
P. 15

Expectations between Avradel

           and Mayor/Local Government

        Avradel to provide:

            •  A bespoke designed app based on your geographical

            •  Administration access so you can contact all ‘app’

                 registered residents and businesses with your emergency

            •  A private emergency social media platform (for registered

                app users) where messages, photographs and videos can

                be shared.
                       (this will allow live updates of any rivers about to burst their
                       banks or storm surges etc.)

            •  Avradel Help desk (email)

            •  A proportion of money generated via advertising will be
                 used to purchase flood/storm equipment to assist your

                residents and businesses
            •  Advertise your participation on the Avradel Web Site

            •  Provide you with two pages in our quarterly ‘Crisis

                eMagazine’ (which is seen around the world) to promote

                your town and/or region.
                                                                                          Avradel Ltd
        Mayor / Local Government to provide:

                                                                                          110 Wisbech Road
            •  Promote the app within their community                                     March

            •  Register as many residents and businesses on the                           Cambridgeshire PE15 8EF

                ‘AvradelSTORM’ app as possible.                                           M: 07740 397560

                       (the more registrations we receive on the app, the
                       more Avradel can charge for advertisements which
                       in turn allows Avradel to spend more money on
                       emergency equipment for your town/region).                         Web:

                                                                                           Registered in England and
             INDEX                                                                          Wales under company

                                                                                              number: 9658529
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