Page 8 - IMPRESSION Newsletter April19
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Maryland Lawmakers Approve Johns Hopkins University Police Force
On April 1 , the Maryland Senate voted 42-2 university will seek input regarding how best to
to approve the final version of the collaborate with the neighboring community to
“Community Safety and Strengthening Act.” identify areas near the Johns Hopkins
The bill will enable the university to have a University campuses where future JHPD
police force of up to 100 armed officers that patrols could be welcome and effective.
will patrol in a defined area around its Additionally, the university will develop plans
Homewood academic campus, the medical for the phased recruiting and training of new
campus in East Baltimore and the Peabody officers who are not only rigorously vetted and
Institute conservatory in Mount Vernon. The extensively trained but also guided by
police officers can only patrol beyond their procedural justice, community trust, and
defined perimeter if neighborhood cultural awareness and sensitivity.
associations vote to allow it.
Johns Hopkins is steadfast in its determination
Once the bill is signed into law it will go into to fulfill its responsibility to its students,
effect on July 1, and the university will move faculty, staff, patients, and neighbors. While the
into a multiyear period of implementation. university works to build this new and much
The work will start with discussions with the needed police department, the organization has
Baltimore Police Department (BPD) around vowed to not waver from its commitment to
the drafting of the memorandum of long-term investments in job creation,
understanding (MOU) and initial engagement economic development, education, and health
with the community regarding the MOU and care delivery that help alleviate the root causes
recommendations for the first Johns Hopkins of crime and create sustained opportunity here
Police Accountability Board. Next, the in Baltimore.
Be a Champion for a Patient in Need. Donate Blood
The clock is ticking and the pressure is on to Johns Hopkins Bayview will host an American
collect enough blood to meet the ongoing Red Cross blood drive in the Knott Conference
needs of our patients. Center on the following dates:
Schedule your life-saving donation to help a • Monday, April 22 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m
trauma victim or someone affected by chronic • Tuesday, April 23, 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m
illness. Call 0-0289 or visit • Wednesday, April 24, 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m