Page 18 - Impression April 2020
P. 18
Sibley Community Thank You Caravan Free Drip Coffee
As we continue to face the COVID-19 Frontline workers in the health care industry
pandemic together, the outpouring of gratitude who are responding to the coronavirus can get
for the first responders, healthcare workers a free tall brewed or iced coffee at Starbucks.
and other frontline workers has been Police officers, firefighters, paramedics,
doctors, nurses, hospital staff and researchers
Throughout the areas we serve, several can get a free beverage in stores until May 3,
communities have come together in support of the company said.
our hospitals and staff members.
Health care workers and first responders in all
On Friday, April 10, 2020, Sibley Memorial of Wawa's territories also will now receive
Hospital neighbors caravanned down coffee for free during the length of the
MacArthur Blvd honking horns and cheering coronavirus pandemic, the company said. The
out of car windows—starting at the Palisades convenience store has locations in
fire station and ending at Sibley—to pay tribute Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland,
to fire fighters, police officers, market and Delaware, Virginia, Florida and Washington,
take-out operators, and staff at Sibley D.C.
Memorial Hospital during the COVID-19