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Nicola Pearce NOTICEBOARD Recognition for exceptional performance…
I was delighted to join the DB project a couple of months ago to News for the month: Bangalore (Core Value Champions)
head up our quality initiatives. I’ve been hugely impressed with the Mumbai initiated and successfully generated 275 ideas through ‘Ideathon’ (BE (Leading in the New)
diverse talent, enthusiasm and drive to deliver for DB through my Engagement) on Apr 10 & 11 th Nilesh Pandey
meets with teams across Newcastle, Mumbai & Bangalore. Sathesh Kumar Assumpta Furtado
However, quality isn’t quite where we need it to be, hence we have Sessions on Operational Maturity (BE) were conducted in Mumbai, while Chand Basha Bhagatsingh Saud
launched various initiatives including the creation of ‘Quality Bangalore attended Conduct Counts sessions ran by the HRs (Star of Business) Vincy Paul
Families’ to improve our performance. The idea of a ‘Quality DB Mumbai conducted a CSR initiative “Eat for a Cause” and collected INR Narayana Swamy
Family’ is to create a virtual team of analysts, QC’ers and a SWAT 3,375 through the sale of food items Lavanya B Sneha More
member, who will review quality trends from case reviews, AFC Sarita Sitaraman
rejections and the weekly quiz, and identify areas where further New TV screens have been installed in our Newcastle & Bangalore offices to Sudha Sai Thanduri Zeeshan Sheikh
support is needed. In addition, we will be launching other initiatives support the day-to-day operations Sharanappa Gosami Sajithkumar Varma
including an improved QC checklist, an enhanced appeals process 11 new recruits will be starting their DB journey in Newcastle from the 14 of May Gopika Achuvath Aarthi Karunakaran
and work to drive consistency of checking across all three Ben Hart of Business Excellence would like to give a big shout out to the Training Monojit Ghosh
locations. I look forward to working with you all over the coming Khushboo Upadhyay
months, and sharing news on our improving quality scores. Team for continually ideating, working tirelessly to make the learning materials Vasavi Srinivasa Girishkumar Vijaywargi
best-in-class, and supporting Greg whilst he performs analysis on e-Learning Ravindranath V (Star of Business)
Got any ideas? Please do get in touch!
BI team has started maintaining a BI Dashboard, which is a consolidated tracker Sreeni AV Shyamsundar Basa
MEET THE NEW JOINERS (APRIL) for all queries raised to them and also shows the ageing of cases Mahantesh AK Nitesh Priyadarshi
Name Role Location Mumbai Dhanesh Nair
Ema Washington Global Delivery Lead Newcastle Key Notification of Change Summary (Star of Business) Gaurav Kumar
Mugdha Kelkar Analyst Mumbai Screening Previous Names and Alias: Timeframe update with regards to Dhanesh Nair Dhanashri Chavan
Prachi Telwane Analyst Mumbai screening previous/alias names. When known, analysts are required to screen alias Praveen Giri Anitha Jangam
Lavanya R Analyst Bangalore names and previous names within a 5 year timeframe. Previous guidance was to Shraddha Ghag Tanvi Parab
screen alias names and previous names regardless of timeframe when identified
Kavitha Gunashekar Analyst Bangalore during the due diligence process. Varzan Gandhi Vaijanti Mundekar
Shivakumar Krishnapur Analyst Bangalore Jaikishan Dhobi Ruchi Chaubey
ADDITIONAL/NEW ROLE Fircosoft: The Fircosoft screening comms is applicable to all workstreams. As we Sachin Chaudhri Shabana Ghafoor
are all aware, Fircosoft has replaced PCR screening tool. Accenture had adopted a
Aramide Akisanya QC Newcastle cut-off date for PCR which was 15/04/2018. Any screening results from PCR dated Pankaj Ingle Anjali Salekar
Nisha Joseph QC Newcastle after 15/04/2018 cannot be used. Jignesh Lalpuria Pavithra Ramaswamy
Let us know your feedback or if you want to be featured at 14 th MAY 2018