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ASSISTANCE CORNER                                              SPOTLIGHT : KOP 2.1a Section 30.4.2 – KYC Requirements for ASL & AAR

   Insights Log                                                                             When dealing with cases of ASL (Agency Securities Lending) and AAR (As Agent Repo), the business should ensure it has valid

   This excel document provides all instances of query clarifications provided by           KYC profile for the client and appropriate due diligence is performed on the counterparty in the lending transaction.
   DB through any formal channels and notification of changes.                                     Services                         Client                                                  KYC Requirements
   Analysts can do a Keyword search through Search functionality and all relevant                                   Both Client (Lender) and Counterparty       KYC on the Client and Counterparty in line with client type and risk rating.
   results will be displayed.                                                                                       (Borrower) are clients of DB                Perform NLS on any relevant non-clients parties involved in the transaction

  Comms Library                                                                                   ASL or AAR                                                    Where Agent is DB-recognised regulated entity, Perform KYC (SDD) on the Agent
                                                                                                                    Where Client or Counterparty                 and NLS on the UP
  This excel document provides all notification of changes along with the                        transactions       (e.g. IM) is an Agent acting on behalf      Where Agent is not DB-recognised regulated entity or where DB is engaging
  confirmation mail, process / policy referral documents
                                                                                                                    of an Underlying Principal (e.g. Fund)       directly with UP, Perform KYC on both the Agent and UP
                                          Click here to access both documents                                                                                   Perform NLS on any relevant non-clients parties involved in the transaction
    The two documents above are also located in the shared drive within DB                  For KYC requirements on:
    environment.                                                                                 Custody and Clearing services, refer section 30.4.1

    (“KYC Process Documentation” folder in Y:\KYC_PR_ACN_GLOBAL_3)                               Domestic and Alternative Fund Services, refer section 30.4.4

   Outreach Reminders…                                                                        LEARNINGS FROM QUALITY ANALYSIS…                                                                        FinCEN

                                                                                                                                                                                                       Financial      Crime      Enforcement
     COB teams should have access to DB AMINET, which can be                                 1. Screening continues to be a primary fail theme – as identified during SWAT reviews,                     Network (aka FinCEN) is a bureau
      referred to as a secondary source for DB-owned entities                                     screening of previous/alias names, incorrect LR names continues to be a challenge                      of the U.S. Department of the
                                                                               QUALITY        2. Errors in identifying all Legal Representatives were evident once again, which has                      Treasury and also serves as the FIU
     We must not send cases to outreach if they are marked ‘EDR’                                 increased the screening errors                                                                         (Financial Intelligence Unit) for the
      and there are no docs in the EDR folder. This must be raised                                                                                                                                       United States and is one of more
      with Pipeline                                                                           3. NACE Code identification based on Nature of Business is an additional learning. We must                 than   100    FIUs   making    up   the
                                                                                                  raise an RDS request when we are unable to determine appropriate NACE code for the
                                                                                                  entity                                                                                                 Egmont     Group,    an    international
     Policy has confirmed on call that SCR from controllers are                                                                                                                                         entity focused on information sharing
      acceptable (corporate or project controller). For confirmation                          4. Incorrect entity template selection has been on the rise. This directly impacts CRRE                    and cooperation among FIUs
      received by project controllers, we need to verify if it is the entity                      calculation resulting in a lower/higher risk rating. We must ensure that the correct entity          Its mission is to safeguard the
      project                                                                                     template is chosen every time                                                                          financial system from illicit use,
                                                                                              5. We must make sure that dbCAR static information is complete. Errors, like PEP status not                combat     money     laundering     and
     SCR from counsel (general or associate) is acceptable                                       selected correctly or missing investment manager details, have been noticed frequently                 promote national security, under its
                                                                                                                                                                                                         motto “Follow the Money”

                     IN OTHER ANNOUNCEMENTS…                                            BRAIN             Angel lies on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays but tells the truth the rest of               It partners with law enforcement at
                                                                                                          the week. Brenda lies on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays, but tells the truth
                      To mark the successful completion of Phase 2, our                 TEASER every other day.                                                                                          supports the nation's foreign policy
                      Newcastle & Mumbai counterparts threw a celebratory                                 Angel        : Yesterday, I was lying.                                                         and national security objectives
                      party! Check out the pictures for all the fun!                                      Brenda       : So was I!                                                                    Read more about FinCEN here –
                                                                                                          What day was it?                                                                  

    Let us know your feedback or if you want to be featured at                                                                                                                                      14    th   MAY 2018
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