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As you all know, we’re going through a major change in the MEA Region, so
leadership is changing. We have a new VP MR. Alex Church.
MR. Alex Church previously worked with M-I/SLB and was the Brazil Regional
Manager overseeing five product lines with $ 285 MM in revenues. Alex resigned from
Schlumberger to take the position of VP- International Sales with QMax in August of
2014 and has held that position until working on the transition with Tarek earlier this
The employees wanted to hear a message from our new Vice President.
ALEX CHURCH INTERVIEW: there. Countries like Kurdistan which go up and down we think in the future there
would be an increase in activity and we hope to capture a lot of that work there, and
in the other countries like Egypt, Abu Dhabi, Saudi Arabia with the regional screen
What was your first impression on MEA Region plant, I think that will complement the whole region and there are big opportunities in
system & team performance? all of those countries where we hope to pick up some of those contracts.
When I came here, I was very impressed with the What is the first thing you will focus on as a VP?
Structured Management Approach that was practiced
throughout the region and also the Qedge that was already The first thing that I want to ensure to everybody is that this is a transition and it is
in place here before the term Qedge evolved so I was really not a change. It’s a transition from the system that Tarek built and that we plan to
impressed with the level of competency of the people that continue with that system and as far as the Structured Management Approach and
was already in place here in the region. Qedge that’s in place here and the CSERs that we use, all of those tools are things that
are working, and we don’t want to change tools that are working. We want to just
People would like to hear from you about the future of MEA Region, how build on top of it. The first thing is to continue with the good things we have in place
do you see it? and then going forward we will build on what we have here and expand our business
We have several really good opportunities, Kuwait is starting up as a business in the region.
unit. We have a big contract there we have high hopes for that would give the A final message to the employees
whole region a good solid base that is steady. In the other countries we have good
opportunities for Algeria to come back from where it was before due to political Let’s build on our strengths and grow the region to its full potential. To do that it
instability and the uncertainties that led to stagnation. It’s been slow but we have takes a Team working in union. Let’s work together to have TEAM MEA lead the rest
good indications out of Sonatrach and I think that things will improve quite a bit of QMax in growth!
MEA Family Communication Updates #2 1