Page 19 - Prayer Bulletin June 2019 Web
P. 19

in Jerusalem this Autumn. He and Eshcol  through his neighbour’s persistence was he
        continue to be heavily involved in the youth  able to fill the hole in his heart. Now his
        ministry of their congregation.       heart overflows with a love and a passion
                                              for Israel! Love Your Enemies. Jesus Is Not
        Stephen is back from Poland for a few  Joking. Jesus was not interested in messing
        weeks. We are enjoying his sense of humor  around with normal levels of niceness. He
        and company.                          was starting a whole new revolution called
                                              “Love your enemies” … and challenging us
        John is getting established as an instructor  to join him.
        for paramedics. He has applied or an
        evangelism  program  to  reach  out  to  the  “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall
        many Israelis who escape to the East after  love your neighbour and hate your enemy.’
        their army service, some getting drawn into  But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for
        and trapped by the drugs scene.       those who persecute you, so that you may
                                              be children of your Father in heaven.”
        We  are  thankful  for  each  one  of  you  and
        your love for us.                     He causes His sun to rise on the evil and the
                    Faith and Jonathan Goldberg  good, and sends rain on the righteous and
                                              the unrighteous. For if you love those who
         6.14 ISRAEL COLLEGE OF THE BIBLE     love you, what reward do you have? Even
                                              the tax collectors do the same, don’t they?
        5.5.2019                              And if you greet only your brothers, what
        SHALOM!                               more are you doing than anyone else? Even
        “In every generation they rise against us to  the pagans do that, don’t they? Therefore,
        destroy  us;  and  the  Holy  One,  blessed  be  be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is
        He,  saves  us  from  their  hand.”  But  more  perfect.” Matthew 5:43-48
        than turning to God for our own salvation,
        the command of Jesus to love our enemies  Keeping the Law of Moses was challenging
        and pray for those who persecute us is truly  enough, but  “be  perfect”?  Come  on!
        revolutionary. Never has it been truer or  Be reasonable. And love our enemies?
        more important, than it is today.     Seriously? Who does that?

        Anti-Semitic tropes like “Jews poison wells”                 Dr Erez Soref,
        or “They make their Passover matzos with            Israel College of the Bible
        the blood of Christian children” might seem
        so ridiculous as to be laughable. Who in their   6.15 BE’AD CHAIM
        right mind would entertain such notions? But
        it is exactly this sort of Medieval blood libel  May 6, 2019
        and conspiracy theory lunacy that resulted in  Please read (Mark 8:22-26)
        the tragic events in Poway, near San Diego,  Praise and prayer:
        California.                           • We are preparing an information package
                                               for doctors to create interest in chemical
        Dr.  Ebrahim  Pakrooh  moved  from  Iran  to   abortion reversal. So far, no doctors in
        Europe in order to seek a better life. He   Israel have heard of this possibility but
        sought God in every place possible, but only   some have indicated interest. Pray that it
        PFI Prayer Bulletin - June 2019                                        15
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