Page 14 - Prayer Bulletin June 2019 Web
P. 14

retreat on the Golan and a blessed Passover
        with Eshkol’s family.                 Faith.  In November, we were coming out of
                                              a long dry summer, and for me a busy and
        I have been preparing a sermon for Shabbat at  exhausting stretch of work at Ebenezer and
        our Fellowship. Please pray for true brotherly  dealing with difficult situations in our wider
        love between Believers, Congregations and  family.
        Ministries  in  Israel  Wherever  we  turn  we
        see the hurtful, destructive results of strife,  Looking back over the past few months I am
        competition, disrespect and  unforgiveness.  thankful for the way the Lord has watered
        It  is  SO  unattractive.  John,  the  Apostle,  my soul. I am greatly encouraged by A.,
        recognized this as a REAL threat to the  a young woman who came to an outreach
        young church.                         in our congregation two years ago. Her
                                              parents are atheists and were against her
        I honestly don’t want to make a big thing  reading  the  bible  and  getting  involved  in
        about the rainy winter here - but it has  the congregation. Despite this resistance,
        definitely affected our life (of course in Israel  A. persisted reading the bible secretly on-
        we’re thankful for every drop of rain!) On  line and we met for occasional bible studies.
        the Thursday outreaches, the alley leading to  Last year she was drafted into the IDF as an
        the Red-Carpet ministry became a refuge for  artillery combat soldier. I was concerned for
        people coming in to escape from the rain –  her spiritual growth. However, she has been
        this led to several good conversations.   taking every opportunity to fellowship, and
                                              to share her faith with fellow soldiers. In a
        Back to the elections, Netanyahu’s Likud  few weeks she will be baptized. Please pray
        party received an equal amount of mandates  for A., for the Lord’s protection over her.
        – seats in the Israeli parliament. The
        President gave Netanyahu 2-4 weeks to form  It is hard to express in words (easier in tears)
        a government. We value your prayers that  the greatest blessing that I have experienced
        the new government would uphold justice,  since last writing. The privilege of sharing
        truth and freedom for all its citizens.   my life with my sister Joy, as she quietly
                                              and confidently negotiates the challenges
        Six months ago, I was asked to connect with  facing her, as she deals with stage 4 cancer.
        an Israeli guy. Shortly after, I went out to meet  Jonathan and I were able to visit her and
        my new friend (‘Yossi’). He believes Yeshua  the family last month. She shared her goals
        is the true Messiah and his personal Saviour.  for this period of her life: to love those who
        His faith seems sincere although I think I am  came near and to encourage their faith in
        the first true believer he’s ever met. Yossi  the Lord Jesus. Could you echo her heart’s
        had a terrible accident in India and has a  desires in your prayers? Please remember
        shattered leg – he’s confined to a wheelchair  my mother, Monika, and my sister, Naomi
        and needs help to control the pain. I’ve been  at this time.
        meeting with him almost every week with the
        goal of studying the bible together. Yossi has  Nathanael is recovering from an operation
        still not been to any Congregation and yet  on  his  shoulder,  he  suffered  from  torn
        is keen to be baptized. I would value your  ligaments  after  an  injury  in  the  summer
        prayers for him spiritually, emotionally and  camp. He is enrolled to start studies in Social
        physically.                           work and Education at the Hebrew University
        14                                              PFI Prayer Bulletin - June 2019
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