Page 11 - Prayer Bulletin June 2019 Web
P. 11
the New Covenant on the cross of the Son
of God, Yeshua the Messiah - will become Thank you and God bless you for your
enemies of the world’s peace programme, prayers and friendship,
which thrusts Him out of the picture. We Howard and Randi Bass
need to be mentally and spiritually prepared
for such a time as that. Trump reminds me 6.11 EILAT, The Shelter
of King Jehu, whom YHVH anointed to wreak
havoc on the existing political landscape 7.5.2019
in his day, yet he also followed in their Shalom dear friends. We are in the time
ways. I pray that Trump’s end will be more of year in Israel when we are told to
truly victorious. Remember, in any public “remember”: last month how God redeemed
announcement of the peace deal, there are Israel from Egypt at the Passover; last week
elements and details that are kept out of at Holocaust Remembrance Day; today with
the public’s knowledge. We should not be Remembrance Day for the fallen soldiers and
ignorant of the schemes of the enemy, even victims of terrorism.
working through friends.
Family, sadness and thankfulness
Please pray for discernment, especially (Judy’s) Dad passed away the same day as
among believers, of the signs of the times, the newsletter was due. He was 98 years old
and that the Holy Spirit would give us God’s and died peacefully in his own bed. Despite
strategy regarding what to do. leaving a tremendous hole in my life, I’m
thankful for his long and full life; and for
Randi to USA the example he was to the family and many
Randi will again be going to Atlanta to others.
help take care of her father, relieving her
youngest brother for a month. She leaves Racheli is volunteering now for a month
near the end of the month, and returns near on the YWAM Medical Ship in Papua New
the end of June. Just before she leaves, Guinea as a midwife, taking a month out from
we will be participating again in a 3-day her work in the hospital in Eilat. We pray she
conference of two congregations - one Israeli will be a blessing to the people there and
and one Palestinian - to which we have been know she’ll be blessed herself.
invited twice previously. The focus is on the
Kingdom of God first, and the truth that we Moriah and Tom took on two new foster
are already reconciled in Messiah. The text children, girls ages five and one, bringing
for the conference will be 1 John. their family to five children age eight and
under. Having been rejected by their mother
Please pray for strengthening of brotherly and moved between families, the girls are
relationships and the fellowship that we have understandably traumatized and present
with one another. challenges though they’re very sweet and
We are continuing our series of Genesis 1 - cute.
12, the seed and root of all the rest of the
Bible and of history. Yonatan and Stefanie, in a transition period
in their lives, are taking a pause to walk the
Please pray for the salvation of Jewish northern half of the Israel Trail with nearly-
people “today”. three-year-old Alon on Yonatan’s back. We
PFI Prayer Bulletin - June 2019 11