Page 8 - Prayer Bulletin June 2019 Web
P. 8
Area 4: Central & West
Last week we remembered the 6 million
6.7 KFAR SABA, Jews murdered during WW2, and this
Hamaayan Congregation week again we are also remembering the
cost of thousands of lives, killed for the
May 19 independence of modern Israel. Amidst the
War from Gaza sirens of remembrance of the past, we are
Starting at 10:00 am last Shabbat, Hamas now responding to the sirens of today calling
terrorists from Gaza launched over 650 us to find shelter in our bomb shelters under
rockets into Israel in 2 days. Up to now, 150 the Wings and Shadow of the Almighty.
Israelis are injured, some of them in critical
condition, with 3 killed. Numerous buildings Join Us in Prayer:
damaged include a kindergarten and schools. • For our nation to be safe as we gather for
Countless people are traumatized among national Memorial Day and Independence
the southern population in Israel, including Day this week.
the cities of Sderot, Beer Sheva, Ashdod, • For safety for all the cities of the south
Ashkelon, Rehovot etc. including Sderot, Ashdod, Ashkelon and
Beer Sheva. - For healing of shock and
At the same time on Saturday, our intercessor trauma, especially for the young children.
team in Kfar-Saba was praying for our • For violence (biblical word: Hamas) to be
upcoming congregation Shabbat meeting. stopped.
How awesome that we were able to pray • For our young congregation in Beer Sheva
through during the rockets for protection for as they minister the message of salvation
the people down south. The Lord comforted and hope. They spent all night in bomb
us with the reminder that “The Lord of Israel shelters. Pray for boldness and fruits
who neither slumbers nor sleeps, He is the during this trying period.
keeper of Israel” Psalm 121:4. • For our young soldiers to be safe and
wise. We have a few members of our
Our air force has now retaliated by bombing congregation serving near Gaza.
more than 300 tactical Hamas sites including • For our government to make wise and
rocket launching sites, terror tunnels and courageous decisions.
terror offices headquarters. As Hamas has • For the Body of Messiah to be a light to the
proclaimed earlier: Terror targets Israel, and whole nation. It is so encouraging to see
now the IDF targets terror back. that northern congregations in Galilee are
offering hospitality to brothers & sisters
When Will It End? of the Negev (south). What an example of
As we know, there can be no true peace in care and love.
Israel (or anywhere in the world) without the • For God to intervene & for the Gospel to
coming of the Prince of Peace. Peace is not be proclaimed in the Gaza strip. Pray for
the absence of war, but it is the presence of courageous Arab speaking servants of God
God. It is a fruit of the spirit (Galatians 5:22) who are ministering to a lost & hopeless
growing from the tree of righteousness. people. Let’s all pray for a harvest of souls
Our Lord is Himself our Peace and our and that Gaza will come to salvation.
Righteousness. In Israel we all need to
return to the Lord with all our hearts. More Prayer Items for the Month
8 PFI Prayer Bulletin - June 2019