Page 12 - Prayer Bulletin June 2019 Web
P. 12

hiked two days with them last week between  guide him in his spiritual walk.
        Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, which gave us
        wonderful opportunities for family time, as  The Eilat Congregation
        well  as  to  enjoy  the  beautiful  nature  and  We are thinking and praying about adding
        exercise.                             some younger men to the leadership team
                                              to stand alongside John.  Please pray as
        The Shelter Hostel                    we begin to take steps in this direction. In
        Passover and Easter were busy in the Shelter,  these dark days when people, even among
        and we’re thankful for a quieter time now.   us, fall so easily into sin, we see even more
        We’ll soon be working on a major renovation  the need to spread the burden and to enlist
        to the men’s showers, a project long  more wisdom.
        necessary. We’re thankful that God always
        provides the right people for the jobs.       Gady has organized two trips for the
        He’s also provided Gabriel, who worked  congregation to concerts in the centre of the
        previously in the Shelter Hostel Amsterdam  country, hiring a bus for the day. Those who
        and was instrumental in setting up the River  went on the first trip felt greatly blessed by
        communities which I mentioned in our last  their fellowship on the way, the event itself,
        letter,  (http://www.therivercommunities.  and the opportunity to meet other believers
        com) to work with us for at least a year. He  from  around  the  country.  The  second  trip
        married Abigail, an Israeli;  is working on  will be in a few weeks.
        getting his residency, and in the meantime
        is  blessing  us  with  his  expertise  in  many  Looking for opportunities to foster community,
        areas of hostel management. One of the  we’ll be having a congregational picnic on
        major innovations he initiated was signing  the beach this week for Independence Day.
        us  up  for  an  online booking  site,  Hostel  This gives us opportunities to share the good
        World, with the aim of bringing a different  news with people around us.
        clientele, more unbelievers to the Shelter,
        and we’re excited to see it’s working!  Thank you again for all your concern, emails,
        You can check our profile: https://www.  prayers, letters, friendship, and support  through the years which we don’t take for
        Shelter-Hostel/Eilat/295345?dateFrom=2019-  granted.
        guests=2&sc_pos=3                     With love, prayers, and blessings in the
        It’s now become too hot, but this spring we  wonderful name of Him who first loved us,
        had many Israel Trail hikers staying with us,                      John & Judy
        up to twenty some nights, and had many
        good conversations with them about the Bible
        and Jesus. One of our most exciting guests   Area 6: General Israel
        of all times was a young Israeli man, I., who     Ministries
        arrived while we were out of the country.   6.12 FCSI Newsletter April 2019
        Our volunteer video-called me, and I. said, “I
        want to thank you for your book. I found it  Our Mission:
        in India, and after reading it began to believe  Strengthening the Student Body in Israel
        in Yeshua.” Thankfully he stayed a few days  through-
        with  us  and  the  staff  had  opportunities  to  Prayer, Discipleship, Bible Study and
        12                                              PFI Prayer Bulletin - June 2019
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