Page 10 - Prayer Bulletin June 2019 Web
P. 10
the I.D.F are [have been] working in Gaza, the Eurovision event.
attacking Hamas objects from which missiles
are launched. Please pray for the protection of the believers
in these border areas on both sides; for
It is also very important to pray during these repentance towards salvation for both Jews
two weeks for the security of Israel and the and Arabs; for the Israeli government to act
protection of the people, because next week responsibly to deal with the on-going acts
will be Israel’s Independence Day celebration against its citizens and borders; for believers
on May 8 and 9, and planned various open- to honour the name of the Lord Yeshua in our
air events, concerts and public performances thoughts, words, actions, prayers.
and many people will be outside and not
always near the bomb shelters. Psalm 122:6 Holocaust stories
We went to hear a member of our
Also please pray for the salvation of the congregation, Hannah Figueras, give her
people of Gaza so that they would see the Dutch family’s story during the Holocaust,
light of the Truth and the Word of God could when they risked their own lives to hide and
set them free. save Jews being sought by the Nazis, even in
their own home. This was in a conservative
Sincerely yours, Jewish synagogue in Omer, which invited
Pastors Michael & Dina Beener her. It was very moving to hear her lovingly
and humbly tell the story, with photos, of
6.10 BEERSHEVA, Nachalat Yeshua the courage, mercy, and of God’s protection.
Israel and Yad VeShem recognized and
4.5.2019 honoured Hannah’s parents a few years ago
Shalom, as being Righteous Gentiles.
As I write, there are rocket barrages and Our congregation, has also been involved
Israeli air attacks taking place along the over the years with some of the Holocaust
Gaza border area, as well as cities beyond, survivors and their children in Beersheva.
such as Ashkelon, Rehovot, Netivot. There
is a sense that this sudden escalation is Our young adults continue to participate in a
connected with the Israeli Independence wide variety of activities outside and beyond
Day which for the Islamic and Arab world the congregation. Just this morning, our son,
is the Day of Catastrophe. Also, a major Evan, went to another church in another city
European music festival is scheduled to be to teach.
hosted in Israel in a couple of weeks. As
this weren’t enough, the month of Ramadan Trump’s deal
begins for the Muslims tomorrow - a month There is growing anticipation of the “deal
that generates strong religious feelings and of the century” - President Trump’s and
threatens jihadi actions against unbelievers. Jared Kushner’s peace plan for the Israeli-
The government of Israel is not yet formed, Palestinian conflict – which is expected to
and the Prime Minister still remains in a dual made public after Ramadan. Whatever it is
office as Defence Minister. Israel seems will not succeed over the long-run, but maybe
to be in a position of greater weakness in it will provide a time-slot for considering
the current situation, wanting calm for the God’s peace deal for eternity. Believers
celebrations, with many tourists coming for in His peace - made by the shed blood of
10 PFI Prayer Bulletin - June 2019