Page 5 - Prayer Bulletin June 2019 Web
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Carmel, as Elijah did. Praise, proclamation, • We thank God for the privilege of
and prayer continue to be offered up as celebrating Israel’s 71st birthday! Let this
spiritual sacrifices from the living stones of be the year when the people of this Land
surrendered lives. turn back to God.
• Pray for God to bring unbelieving seekers
We also understood that in our strategic into our meetings every week, and for them
positioning on this “high place” in Israel, to experience the love of God in our midst.
Kehilat HaCarmel was called to be a “house • Pray for the Lord to lead those seeking
of prayer for all nations” (Isaiah 56:7). This truth to our videos and media outreaches.
year we have been joined by hundreds of • We continually need the Lord’s provision
worshippers from Malaysia, Singapore, of health, help, wisdom, and resources
China, US, Canada, Finland, Germany, UK, to provide for the ongoing upkeep of
Russia, Australia, and others. Through our buildings, lands, and works, He has given
unity of heart and purpose, as the “one to us.
new man” of Jews and Gentiles worshipping • Pray for many worship teams and
Yeshua, the King of Glory, the heavens are intercessors to join us.
opening over northern Israel in greater
measure. Please let us know if you are planning a
group visit to Israel, as we would love for
Special Worship you to join us for a Shabbat service and/or
During the celebration of the Feast of schedule a special visit to meet one of our
Unleavened Bread, we came together in a leaders to hear first-hand what the Lord is
special worship watch, to commission and doing in our midst!
bless a Korean team led by Pastor Goneey
Kim, who have been called by the Lord to With gratitude and shalom, Congregational
partner with us and are dedicating themselves Leaders Dani Sayag, Peter Tsukahira’
to worship in our Elijah Prayer Cave. This Vladimir Tsapar
marked another “new beginning” at Kehilat
HaCarmel, with the launching of intensified 6.5 HAIFA, Kerem El Congregation
worship and prayer that we believe will be
a significant key to releasing an outpouring April 19
of the Spirit on this mountain. As well as Shalom from Israel! Please read
this wonderful Korean team, we are seeing a Mark 4:30-32
steady increase in the number of teams from It’s been a full spring for the congregations
other nations joining with us. We are hearing and we’ve seen God at work through the
“the sound of the abundance of rain” more ministries and relationships. Kerem El
than ever before. celebrated Purim with an evening of fun and
food. An older tradition we have for Purim
May Prayer Points includes the reading of the entire story
• There are approximately 220,000 Holocaust of Esther on the corresponding Shabbat
survivors still alive today. Pray for much service. We were reminded once again of
fruit from the monthly outreaches of God’s faithfulness towards His people when
Ma’ayan Simcha to those living in our area. faced with annihilation.
They need to know the love of God and
salvation in Messiah Yeshua. At the beginning of April we held a water
PFI Prayer Bulletin - June 2019 5