Page 4 - Prayer Bulletin June 2019 Web
P. 4

Many of you wonder what is the situation  are. We are happy to have such friends as
        with our church building. We are happy to  yourselves.” Praise the Lord
        tell you that in the end of last week we finally
        signed our rental contract with a new owner.           Yakov & Ruti Dolinsky
        The place is 50m2 bigger than the one we
        are about to leave. We will have to invest   Area 2: North & West
        a big amount of money to make the place
        suitable for having church services. You see,   6.4 HAIFA, Kehilat Ha Carmel
        there was a factory there before. We wanted
        to sign the contract for 10 or at least for 7  MAY 2019
        years, but the owner agreed only for 5 years.  Dear Prayer Partners,
        We pray that after the renovation and all the  Shalom to you from Mount Carmel!  We’ve
        investment in the building when the contract  just celebrated the Passover with wonderful
        comes to its end, the owner would extend it  “seder” meals in our homes. That night, our
        and would not sell the premises. We don’t  Kehilat HaCarmel worship centre was filled
        want to have one more experience of being  with believers from the former Soviet Union
        cheated.                              with their friends and family participating
                                              in an outreach  “seder” conducted by the
        You  can  praise the Lord  for  a  miraculous  leaders of Ma’ayan Simcha, our new Russian-
        resolving of tension with our former landlord.  speaking fellowship. Over 220 people were
        He was insisting that we would leave for his  in attendance, all hearing the meaning of the
        use all the things that we had installed in the  Passover Lamb, Yeshua, for us today.
        building like, false ceiling, expensive lighting,
        air conditioners etc. It was not fair since it  The month of New Beginnings - Nisan (also
        was us who bought all those things. We  called “Aviv” - Hebrew for “springtime”)
        wanted, after taking them apart, to use them  Three thousand years ago the blood of a
        in our new premises.                  lamb placed on the doorposts of homes was
                                              a sign that opened the way for the new life
        We took the issue up onto the Lord in prayer  that Israel embarked on, leaving behind the
        and  fasting. His answer was absolutely  slavery of Egypt. Two thousand years ago,
        awesome. In the end of negotiations, the  another Passover lamb, the Lamb of God
        landlord gave up all that belongs to us and  would shed His blood to bring freedom from
        even gave us additional 15 days for moving.  the slavery of sin - for anyone choosing to
        God is good!                          believe in Him, and turning away from their
                                              “Egypt.” His shed blood brought us into
        [Ed: PFI has been financially blessed over the  a new covenant with better promises than
        past few months. Because of this, we were  given on Mount Sinai (Hebrews.8:6-13). On
        able to make a substantial contribution to  the third day, the Lamb rose anew from the
        their needs]                          dead, walking in victory over death, and in
                                              resurrection power through the Holy Spirit.
        Yakov responded: “Thank you so much! You
        are a true blessing to us. You have literally  Altar with 12 stones at Kehilat HaCarmel
        taken part in sharing and carrying the burden  Since the founding of Kehilat HaCarmel in
        with us. There is a saying – ‘a true friend is  1991, we have had a mandate from the Lord
        known in a time of need.’ This is what you  to restore the altar of worship on Mount
        4                                               PFI Prayer Bulletin - June 2019
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