Page 9 - Prayer Bulletin June 2019 Web
P. 9
• Pray for our upcoming conference all those who come to God for help in their
“Kingdom First.” We will gather, Arab and hour of need.
Jewish believers for 48 hours of prayer,
worship, fellowship and studying God’s Our children came to celebrate with us. Even
Word, demonstrating the reality of the our infant granddaughter Sofia was there.
“one new man” the root revelation of the We placed a Jewish prayer shawl over
Mystery of Messiah (Eph. 1 & 2). There is Aleksey as a reminder of the call he has to
not a better time than now to unite as one intercede for and serve the Jewish people in
body seeking His Kingdom First. Israel. I also presented him with my copy of
• For our next outreach in Tel Aviv, as we feed the OT Wordbook, a classic study on all the
the poor & the needy, ministering to the Hebrew words in the Bible as a helper to
needs of the body and the soul. Reaching teach God’s Word with integrity.
out to both Jewish and Arab population as
well as foreign refugees. We were honoured to be joined by Messianic
Pastors who came to pray with us and for
Thank you for keeping us in your prayers. our new Pastor Aleksey in this new season in
Tony & Orna Sperandeo the life of Beit Immanuel Congregation. Some
of them even danced with me! We prayed
6.8 TEL AVIV, Beit Immanuel News over the family for protection, guidance and
leadership in the months and years ahead.
On April 26 at our Friday evening Shabbat
service, we laid hands (well mostly arms!) on Your support and messages have been so
Aleksey Raikhstadt to lead the Congregation encouraging over these past few weeks. We
forward into all that the Lord has for us. are so thankful for the friendships we have
We wish you could have been with us as we built with so many of you over the years.
We do hope to keep in touch with you as we
move into this new season of our lives. All of
you will forever be in our hearts as we take
your love with us wherever we go.
Thank you for helping make Beit Immanuel
such a special place for so many people here
in Israel and around the world.
Shalom, David and Michaella
Area 5: South
6.9 SDEROT, City of Life Fellowship
celebrated this new season for Beit Immanuel
Congregation. Here are a few pictures of 4.5.2019
this special time together. It was a special Shalom!
moment handing over the bottle of anointing We want to ask you to pray for God’s
oil that my wife Michaella and I have used protection of our people. Right now, we
for years to bring healing and comfort to [have been] currently hearing in Sderot how
PFI Prayer Bulletin - June 2019 9