Page 25 - General Prospectus Web 2019 Jan 18
P. 25

WHAT IS HUB                                                                             CAMPUS  LIVING ON

            HUB is SLTC’s official accommodation   higher educational institute, in   based on which the rooms and
            services introduced to provide a   Sri Lanka. From its inception SLTC   space allocated will differ. Every
            complete university experience   has strived to provide a holistic   room is furnished with a bed,
            to all its residents. SLTC believes   university experience to all its   table, chair and wardrobe. All
            that an undergraduate living on   undergraduates and this residential   residents have access to common
            campus is presented with a veriety   facility can contribute greatly   kitchens, community rooms and
            of opportunities ranging from access   towards achieving this goal.  washrooms on every floor.
            to academic and research facilities,
            sports and recreational activities and   In addition to fully furnished rooms    We highly recommend that all our
            a space to build lifelong friendships   study spaces and a multi-purpose   undergraduates live on campus as it
            with fellow undergraduates.  areas, the building offers attractive   will help them experience all aspects
                                       facilities to all its residents.  of a holistic university life and build
            The HUB signifies the opening of                      relationships that will last a lifetime.
            the first ever on-campus student   At the Hub the students will be
            accommodation of this nature,   presented with the options of
            built at a corporate backed   sharing the dormitory with one
                                       roommate or three room mates,                          25
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