Page 20 - General Prospectus Web 2019 Jan 18
P. 20
Tissue Culture Laboratory
The Tissue Culture Lab is a novel
experience available exclusively to
the students of SLTC which is used
for in-vitro production of planting
materials of high value crops and
supplying them to growers at
affordable prices. Currently, the lab
is concentrating more on producing
planting materials of high value
orchids and anthuriums and also
for the mass propagation of high
demanding banana varieties.
Civil Engineering
1. Materials Testing
2. Structural mechanics
demonstration units
3. Hydraulics Engineering
4. Soil Mechanics and
Geotechnical Engineering
5. Surveying
Telco Laboratory over 200km various types of optical
fibre, LASERS, optical transceivers
SLTC boasts one of the most advanced providing a range of modulation
telecommunication research formats operating at various data
laboratories in the country with rates. SLTC research students use
a 3G and 4G equipment provided state of the art simulation tools such
by ZTE and submarine fibre optic as VPI photonics, Matlab Simulink
transmission equipment provided and National instruments Labview.
by Xtera communications and other
leading companies worldwide. The 3G and 4G mobile core network
SLTC curriculum includes sessions consists of real transmission
for undergraduate students work equipment configured to simulate
with the equipment enriching various aspects of a mobile
their education. The research lab communication network. The
containing submarine amplifiers, lab is equipped with high speed
network and spectrum analyzers.