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6                                                                                                                                                                                                             July 20, 2021

                                    “      What those young Black men face is a cultural issue, not an algorithmic one, and it's similar to   OPINION
                                           the United States, Canada and even most European countries, where centuries of systemic racism
                                           still have significant impact, and politicians mine racism as a weapon.


             okyo Ol
           T Tokyo Olympics could
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           turn into a coronavirus
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           tu turn into a coronavirus
           The International Olympic Committee
           should postpone this summer’s Tokyo Games
           or cancel them altogether.
           It’s the only responsible thing to do as the
           coronavirus threat continues unabated
           throughout most of the world.
           The Japanese government recently expanded
           emergency measures to combat what top
           health experts acknowledge is a fourth wave
           of COVID-19 cases there.
           It closed restaurants, bars, movie theaters
           and department stores in Tokyo and banned
           spectators from attending sporting events.
           Yet the IOC continues to plow ahead. Almost
           11,000 athletes and hundreds of coaches and
           officials from 200 countries are already
           setting in the Olympic Village. It’s reckless.         Hatred, Racism winning with
           When the IOC in March 2020 postponed
           plans to hold the Games last summer, it said
           the delay would ensure they would serve this    British soccer. Don't blame Twitter;
           summer as a beacon of hope for the end of
           the pandemic.
           The emergence of highly contagious                                   Blame the Culture.
           coronavirus variants and the slow progress of
           vaccinations makes that impossible.
           Proceeding with the Games risks making the
           Tokyo Olympics one of the worst             When three Black English soccer players                            "You  don’t  get  to  stoke  the  fire  at  the
           superspreader events in history.            missed spot-kicks Sunday in a penalty                              beginning  of  the  tournament  by
           Consider the implications of the current IOC   shootout -- following a 1-1 tie with Italy                      labeling  our  anti-racism  message  as
           plan: Thousands of athletes and coaches     in the  Euro  2020  final  -- a  number of   Opinion                ‘Gesture Politics’ and then pretend to be
           from around the world would interact for    Black  friends,  and  Black  people  on                            disgusted  when  the  very  thing  we’re
           two weeks with each other and staff          Twitter, all had the same reaction: Those   Mike Freeman, USA TODAY   campaigning  against,  happens,"
           members from the host country. Then they    three men are going to face incredible                             tweeted  defender  Tyrone  Mings  to  a
           would go home to reunite with families and   racial abuse.                                                     member of the Conservative Party, who
           friends. The thought must send chills down   That's exactly what happened, and it was                          had earlier blasted the players.
           the spines of public health officials.        entirely  predictable.  Marcus  Rashford   condemn the booing, thus seeding the   English soccer has gotten better since its
           The IOC said Friday that it would offer      and  Jadon  Sancho,  23  and  21,   ground  for  potential  abuse  later.   hooligan days,  but  there was clearly a
           vaccine doses to athletes and visitors before   respectively,  and  Bukayo  Saka,  who  is   Johnson's political opposition told the   building up to a moment like this. All
           they arrive in Japan. But without a         just 19, faced such intense online abuse   media  after  the  Italy  game  that   that was needed was a match.
           vaccination requirement, the threat remains   it's  prompted  police  investigations  in   " i n a c t i o n s   o f   l e a d e r s   h a v e   Should  social  media  do  more  to  stop
           too significant to ignore.                   the UK.                           consequences."                   online racist abuse? Of course.
           The vaccination offer was the latest attempt   In  the  aftermath  of  another  ugly  and   Keir Starmer, leader of the Labour Party,   The  problem  is  racism  is  both
           by Olympic officials to counter serious       racial moment in English soccer, there's   added that Johnson, "Failed the test of   embedded  in  the  UK  culture  (and
           concerns from residents of Japan. That’s    lots of hand-wringing, and blaming, of   leadership  because  whatever  he  says   America's),  while  simultaneously
           right. The public there largely opposes     social  media.  Twitter  and  other   today  about  racism,  he  had  a  simple   significant swaths of the country don't
           allowing the Games to begin July 23.        mediums  are  of  course  part  of  the   choice  at  the  beginning  of  this   believe systemic racism exists.  I  mean
           A recent poll showed 72% of Japan’s         problem, but the issue is far deeper. The   tournament in relation to the booing of   Hell, in the U.S., some of us don't even
           residents favoured either postponing or     issue  is cultural.  The  issue  is a  purely   those  who  were  taking  the  knee.  The   want to teach the history of racism.
           canceling the games. An online petition     human one.                        prime  minister  failed  to  call  that  out,   Before  Twitter  can  clean  up  its  mess,
           calling on the Japanese government to call   Hatred  always  seems  to  find  an   and the actions and inactions of leaders   human beings have to clean up ours.
           off the Games collected 230,000 signatures   unending  source  of  fuel.  It  defeats   have  consequences,  so  I'm  afraid  the   Significant parts of  the  English soccer
           in only two days. And Reuters reported last   hashtags, speeches and common sense.   prime  minister's  words  today  ring   fanbase don't see soccer as a place for
           week that a survey of more than 1,000       It  inhabits  outhouses  and  White   hollow."                     anti-hate  gestures,  the  way  some  NFL
           Japanese doctors showed 75% believed it was   Houses.  It's  on  Main  Street  and   What those young Black men face is a   fans didn't want to see Kaepernick take a
           better to postpone the Games.               Downing  Street.  It's  the  most  potent   cultural issue, not an algorithmic one,   knee.
           The opposition is understandable. While     enemy today; more contagious than any   and  it's  similar  to  the  United  States,   The UK government may care a little but
           nearly one-third of Americans have been     virus  and  more  threatening  than  any   where centuries of systemic racism still   not enough. There are anti-hate groups
           fully vaccinated, only about 2% of Japan’s   asteroid. Hatred is so consuming that it   have significant impact, and politicians   working tirelessly to drain this swamp.
           population of 125 million have received their   takes a wonderful game like soccer -- a   mine racism as a weapon.  Twitter says it has removed thousands of
           first shot.                                  pure, beautiful game -- and transforms   Donald Trump did it here. Last month,   tweets and permanently banned some
           Japan has not seen the case rates experienced   it into something ugly.       Johnson’s  spokesman,  when  asked   accounts.  Yet  Twitter  has  done
           in the United States, India and Brazil. But   Hatred  is  unbeaten  because  we  keep   about  the  booing  and  why  Johnson   something  like  this  before,  and  the
           the country’s health officials have expressed   helping it win despite the fact it doesn't   didn't  condemn  it,  said  the  prime   racist incidents keep happening.
           concern that the Olympics could put         need our assistance.              minister  is  “more  focused  on  action   There's  a  mural  that  was  created  for
           residents at unnecessary risk and exacerbate   No  American  has  the  right  to  point   rather  than  gestures.”  By  saying  that,   Rashford  in  Manchester  for  his
           the current concerning trends. Daily cases   fingers at the UK and its problem with   Johnson's  spokesman  was  essentially   charitable  work,  mainly  pushing  the
           have been increasing since early March, and   race. Hell, we elected a white nationalist   encouraging  fans  who  were  booing  to   government to provide free lunches for
           the daily death toll has increased steadily   as  president,  and  hundreds  of  white   keep doing so.        people  during  the  pandemic.  It  was
           since early April.                          nationalists  tried  to  overthrow   Gary  Neville,  a  former  Manchester   vandalized. It's since been covered with
           The legitimate public health concerns       democracy.  We  are  having  our  own   United player and now a TV broadcaster,   pictures,  hearts  and  words  of
           should outweigh the financial concerns       battles with race here.           said  he  wasn’t  surprised  the  three   encouragement  from  members  of  the
           driving the IOC, which generates about 75%   But what happened in the UK will seem   players were targeted.    community, but the fact it was defiled
           of its revenues from network agreements to   strikingly familiar to people in the U.S.   “The prime minister said it was OK for   says a lot about where we are, and it's not
           broadcast the Olympics, including an        The English team has been a strong anti-  the  population  of  this  country  to  boo   a good place.
           estimated $4 billion from the last Summer   racist force, taking a knee before games   those players who are trying to promote   The Black players, in many ways, were
           and Winter Games.                           to  highlight  the  problem with  racism,   equality and defend against racism,” he   effectively alone and facing remarkable
           The IOC has an obligation to put public     the same way Colin Kaepernick did, and   said on Sky News. “It starts at the very   levels of vile, guttural racism.
           safety before profits this summer and        each time, it was booed.          top, and so for me, I wasn’t surprised in   That's because of us. All of us.
           postpone or cancel the Tokyo Olympics.      Prime  Minister  Boris  Johnson,  at  the   the slightest that I woke up this morning   Not because of Twitter.
                                                       start of the Euro tournament, wouldn't   to those headlines.”                                     Mike Freeman, USA TODAY

                           Dur  am
                           z   e        tel: 416-301-9154                  Ruskin Ramsundar      CEO/Publisher     Courtney McLaren     Digital Media
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