Page 8 - DURHAM CITIZEN - JULY 20TH 2021_Neat
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8                                                                                                                                                                                                             July 20, 2021

        Jeff Bezos blasts into

        space on own rocket:

        'Best day ever!'

                                      own flight from New Mexico and   wine, spraying one another.
                                      beat him to space by nine days.  “My  expectations  were  high  and
                                      The two private companies chasing   they were dramatically exceeded,”
                                      space  tourism  dollars,  though,   Bezos said later.
                                      have drawn criticism for catering to   Their flight lasted 10 minutes and
                                      the  rich  while  so  many  are   10  seconds  -  five  minutes  shy  of
                                      struggling amid the pandemic.  Alan Shepard's Freedom 7 flight in
                                      During  Tuesday's  flight,  Blue   1961.  Shepard's  daughters,  Laura
                                      Origin's  capsule  reached  an   and  Julie,  were  introduced  at  a
                                      altitude  of  about  66  miles  (106   press event a few hours later.
                                      kilometers), more than 10 miles (16   Sharing  Bezos'  dream-come-true
                                      kilometers) higher than Branson's   adventure  was  Wally  Funk,  from
                                      July 11 ride. The 60-foot (18-meter)   the  Dallas  area,  one  of  13  female
                                      booster  accelerated  to  Mach  3  or   pilots who went through the same
                                      three times the speed of sound to   tests as NASA's all-male astronaut
                 Jeff Bezos:
                'Best day ever!'      get the capsule high enough, before   corps in the early 1960s but never
                                      separating and landing upright.  made it into space.
                                      Unlike  Branson's  piloted  rocket   “I've  been waiting a  long  time  to
        VAN  HORN,  Texas  (AP)  -  Jeff   plane,  Bezos'  capsule  was   finally get it up there,” Funk said.  more test flights from New Mexico   drastically increase those overall
        Bezos  blasted  into space Tuesday   completely  automated  and   “I  want  to  go  again  -  fast,”  she   before  launching  customers  next   numbers,  as  does  SpaceX's  Elon
        on his rocket company's first flight   required no official staff on board   added.          year.                         Musk, who's skipping brief space
        with  people  on  board,  becoming   for the up-and-down flight.  Four hours after their flight, Bezos   Blue Origin's approach was slower   hops  and  sending  his  private
        the second billionaire in just over a   During  their  several  minutes  of   drove his crew over to see the rocket   and  more  deliberate.  After  15   clients straight to orbit for tens of
        week to ride his own spacecraft.  weightlessness, video from inside   that carried them safely to space. .  successful unoccupied test flights   millions apiece, with the first flight
        T h e  A m a z o n   f o u n d e r  w a s   the  capsule  showed  the  four   Blue Origin - founded by Bezos in   to  space  since  2015,  Bezos  finally   coming up in September.
        accompanied  by  a  hand-picked   floating,  doing  somersaults,   2000  in  Kent,  Washington,  near   declared it was time to put people   “We're  going  to  build  a  road  to
        group: his brother, an 18-year-old   tossing  Skittles  candies  and   Amazon's  Seattle  headquarters  -   on  board.  The  Federal  Aviation   space so our kids and their kids can
        from the  Netherlands and an  82-  throwing  balls,  with  lots  of   hasn't revealed its price for a ride to   Administration  agreed  last  week,   build the future,” Bezos said. “We
        year-old  aviation  pioneer  from   c h e e r i n g ,   w h o o p i n g   a n d   space  but  has  lined  up  spots  for   approving  the  commercial  space   need  to  do  that  to  solve  the
        Texas - the youngest and oldest to   exclamations of “Wow!” The Bezos   other auction bidders. Ticket sales,   license.  problems here on Earth.”
        ever fly in space.             brother also joined their palms to   including  the  auction,  are   Bezos,  57,  who  also  owns  The   Branson  sent  a  congratulatory
        “Best  day  ever!”  Bezos  said  when   display  a  “HI  MOM”  greeting   approaching  $100  million,  Bezos   Washington Post, claimed the first   tweet: “Impressive! Very best to all
        the capsule touched down on the   written on their hands. The capsule   said. Two more flights are planned   seat. The next went to his 50-year-  the crew from me and all the team”
        desert floor in remote West Texas   landed  under  parachutes,  with   by year's end.    old  brother,  Mark  Bezos,  an   at Virgin Galactic.
        after the 10-minute flight.    Bezos  and  his  guests  briefly   The  recycled  rocket  and  capsule   investor and volunteer firefighter,   Included in the many people that
        Named  after  America's  first   experiencing  nearly six  times  the   used Tuesday flew on the last two   then  Funk  and  Daemen.  They   Bezos thanked Tuesday was “every
        astronaut,  Blue  Origin's  New   force of gravity, or 6 G's, on the way   space  demos,  according  to   spent two days together in training.  Amazon  employee  and  every
        Shepard rocket soared on the 52nd   back.                  company officials.             Bezos stepped down this month as   Amazon  customer.  Because  you
        anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon   Led by Bezos, they climbed out of   Virgin  Galactic  already  has  more   Amazon's  CEO  and  last  week   guys  paid  for  all  this.”  Bezos  has
        landing, a date chosen by Bezos for   the capsule after touchdown with   than 600 reservations at $250,000   donated $200 million to renovate   said  he  finances  the  rocket
        its historical significance. He held   wide  grins,  embracing  parents,   apiece.  Founded  by  Branson  in   the  National  Air  and  Space   company  by  selling  $1  billion  in
        fast to it, even as Virgin Galactic's   partners  and  children,  then   2004, the company has sent crew   Museum.    Amazon stock each year.
        Richard  Branson  pushed  up  his   popped open bottles of sparkling   into space four times and plans two   Both Bezos and Branson want to

        Canadians see NDP's Singh

        as a better PM than Tories'

        O'Toole, survey suggests

        OTTAWA — NDP Leader Jagmeet   The online survey, conducted July
        Singh might have reason to smile   16 to 18, polled 2,069 Canadians. It
        only  weeks  before  a  possible   cannot  be  assigned  a  margin  of   Studies had 25 per cent of
        election  call  as  a  new  survey   error because internet-based polls   respondents picking  Trudeau
        suggests  more  Canadians  believe   are  not  considered  random   as the best prime minister,
        he  would  make  a  better  prime   samples.                 Singh wasn’t far behind with
        minister  than  the  Conservatives'   The  survey  could  represent  bad   19 per cent while only
        Erin O’Toole.                 n e w s  fo r  O ’ To o l e  a n d   t h e   13 per cent chose O’Toole.
        While the survey by Leger and the   Conservatives as they continue to
        Association  for  Canadian  Studies   bump against what Leger executive
        had  25  per  cent  of  respondents   vice-president  Christian  Bourque
        picking Justin Trudeau as the best   described  as  a  “30  per  cent  glass
        prime  minister,  Singh  wasn’t  far   c e i l i n g ”   u n d e r   O ’ To o l e ’ s   the party.
        behind with 19 per cent while only   leadership.           “The NDP could end up with 20 per
        13 per cent chose O’Toole.    Yet it could also signal trouble for   cent of the vote and 10 seats, or 20   the Liberals handled the COVID-19   the writ, but it likely remains the
        The survey also found a three per   Trudeau’s  chances  of  winning  a   per cent of the vote and 30 seats,”   pandemic if he wants to have any   least worst for the next little while,”
        cent  increase  in  support  for  the   majority  Liberal  government  as   Bourque said.  chance  of  winning  a  coveted   Bourque said in an email.
        NDP  among  decided voters,  who   previous election results have seen   “A lot will ride on Singh’s skills and   majority government.  “Liberals need to eat support from
        otherwise  remained  largely   the  Liberals  suffer  from  strong   strategic voting. The more the CPC   The survey found that 55 per cent of   the NDP and Greens, but also the
        unchanged in their support for the   support for the NDP.  is a threat, the more the Liberals   respondents believed Trudeau had   Bloc  Quebecois.  That’s  why
        Liberals and Tories.          Bourque  nonetheless  cautioned   will  eat  into  NDP  support  in   performed  well  or  very  well  in   running on their COVID-19 record
        Thirty-four  per  cent  of  decided   against overstating how the NDP’s   Ontario,  Quebec  and,  maybe,   managing the pandemic, the area   — and record overall — needs to
        voters  said  they  supported  the   apparent  uptick  in  support  will   Manitoba.”   where  he  had  the  most  such   work.”
        Liberals,  while  the  Conservatives   play out during an election, saying   Bourque believes the time is now   positive reviews.  -Lee Berthiaume,
        stood at 29 per cent and the NDP at   that  the  results  don’t  necessarily   for Trudeau to call an election and   “For  Liberal  strategists,  this  may   The Canadian Press
        22 per cent.                  translate  into additional seats for   try to ride popular support for how   not be the optimal window to drop
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