P. 108

Directors’ Report

               For the year ended 31 December, 2017

               The Directors have pleasure in presenting their report on   The Bank has the following international banking subsid-
               the affairs of Access Bank Plc (the “Bank”) together with its   iaries: Access Bank (Gambia) Limited, Access Bank (Sierra
               subsidiaries (the “Group”), and the Bank Audited Financial   Leone) Limited, Access Bank (Zambia)  Limited, The Access
               Statements with Auditor’s Report for the  year ended 31   Bank (UK) Limited,  Access Bank (Ghana) Plc, Access Bank
               December,  2017.                               Rwanda, Access Bank (D.R. Congo). The Bank also has Ac-
                                                              cess Finance BV, an offshore Special Purpose Vehicle for the
                                                              issuance of the  U.S.$350,000,000, 7.25 Per Cent Guaran-
               Legal form and principal activities            teed Notes Due 2017 guaranteed by the Bank.  During the
                                                              year, the Bank redeemed the outstanding USD237,003,000
               The Bank was incorporated as a private limited liability com-  (see note 35). Following the Bank’s redemption of the Notes,
               pany on 8 February, 1989 and commenced business on 11   Access Finance BV will be undergoing voluntary liquidation
               May, 1989.  The Bank was converted to a public limited liabil-  in 2018. The Bank also operates a Representative office in
               ity company on 24 March, 1998 and its shares were listed on   China, India and Lebanon. The Access Bank (UK)  Limited
               the Nigerian Stock Exchange on 18 November, 1998. The   operates a branch in United Arab Emirates (UAE).
               Bank was issued a universal banking licence by the Central
               Bank of Nigeria on 5 February, 2001.           The financial results of all operating subsidiaries have been
                                                              consolidated in these financial statements.
               The Bank’s principal activities incude the provision of mon-
               ey market products and services, retail banking, granting of
               loans and advances, equipment leasing, corporate finance
               and foreign exchange operations.

               Operating results
               Highlights of the Group’s operating results for the year are as follows:

                                                               Group        Group        Bank         Bank
                                                              Dec-17       Dec-16       Dec-17      Dec-16
               In thousands of Naira

               Gross earnings                              459,075,779    381,320,783    398,161,575    331,000,972

               Profit before income tax                     80,072,480    90,339,456    67,043,501    80,579,576
               Income tax expense                          (18,081,628)    (18,900,109)    (13,804,679)   (16,553,441)
               Profit for the year                          61,990,852    71,439,347   53,238,822    64,026,135
               Other comprehensive income                   28,999,933   32,060,674   12,352,975    12,653,178
               Total comprehensive income for the year      90,990,786    103,500,021    65,591,797    76,679,312

               Non-controlling interest                       880,879     2,258,752          -            -
               Profit attributable to equity holders of the Bank   90,109,906    101,241,269    65,591,797    76,679,312

                                                              Group         Group        Bank         Bank
                                                             Dec-17        Dec-16       Dec-17      Dec-16
               In thousands of Naira
               Earnings per share - Basic (k)                    218          250          184          221
               Dividend (paid):
               Interim dividend paid                       7,231,993      7,231,993  7,231,993    7,231,993
               Final dividend for 2016 paid in 2017           -         11,571,189      -         11,571,189
               Proposed final dividend declared in 2017 to be   11,571,189  -       11,571,189       -
               paid in 2018

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              Annual Report & Accounts  2017
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