P. 113
(a) Composition of employees by gender
Total number of female employees 1,433
Total number of male employees 1,756
Female Male
(b) Board Composition By Gender
Total number of women on the Board 6 6
Total number of men on the Board 10
Female Male
( c) Top Management (Executive Director To Chief Executive Office)
Compositon By Gender
Total number of women in Executive Management positions 3 3 8
Total number of persons in Executive Management positions 8
Female Male
(d) Top Management (Assistant General Manager To General Manager)
Compositon By Gender 52
Total number of women in Top Management positions 15
Total number of men in Top Management positions 52
Female Male
(ii) Employment of disabled persons
In the event of any employee becoming disabled in the course of employment, the Bank will endeavour to arrange appropriate
training to ensure the continuous employment of such a person without subjecting the employee to any disadvantage in career
(iii) Health, safety and welfare of employees
The Bank maintains business premises designed with a view to guaranteeing the safety and healthy living conditions of its em-
ployees and customers alike. Employees are adequately insured against occupational and other hazards. In addition, the Bank
retains top-class hospitals where medical facilities are provided for its employees and their immediate families at its expense. Fire
prevention and fire-fighting equipment are installed in strategic locations within the Bank’s premises.
The Bank operates a Group Personal Accident and the Workmen’s Compensation Insurance covers for the benefit of its em-
ployees. It also operates a contributory pension plan in line with the Pension Reform Act 2004 as amended and other benefit
schemes for its employees.
(iv) Employee involvement and training
The Bank encourages participation of employees in arriving at decisions in respect of matters affecting their wellbeing. Towards
this end, the Bank provides opportunities where employees deliberate on issues affecting the Bank and its employees’ interests,
with a view to making inputs to decisions thereon. The Bank places a high premium on the development of its manpower. Conse-
quently, the Bank sponsors its employees for various training courses, both locally and overseas.
(v) Statement of commitment to maintain positive work environment
The Bank strives to maintain a positive work environment that is consistent with best practice and ensures that business is con-
ducted in a positive and professional manner and that equal opportunity is given to all qualified members of the Group’s operating
Credit Ratings
The Revised Prudential Guidelines, as released by the CBN, requires banks to be rated by a credit rating agency on a regular basis.
It is also required that the credit rating be updated on a continuous basis from year to year. Furthermore, it is required that banks
should disclose their credit ratings prominently in their published annual reports.
Below are the credit ratings that Access Bank has been assigned by the various credit rating agencies that have rated the Bank, in
no particular order:
Access BAnk Plc 113
Annual Report & Accounts 2017