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The Bank and its subsidiaries (‘the Group’) are governed   2017 and being eligible for re-election were duly re-elect-
               under a framework that enables the Board to discharge its   ed by shareholders. The shareholders also elected Messrs
               oversight functions while providing strategic direction to   Adeniyi Adekoya and Iboroma Akpana as Independent
               the Bank in balance with its responsibility to ensure regula-  Non-Executive Directors. The appointment of Dr. Gregory
               tory compliance. The subsidiaries comply with the statuto-  Jobome as an Executive Director was also ratified by share-
               ry and regulatory requirements of their host countries and   holders at the meeting.
               also align their governance frameworks to that of the Bank.
                                                              In the course of the year, Mr. Obinna Nwosu resigned his po-
               The  Board  is  responsible  for  embedding  high  standards   sition as the Group Deputy Managing Director with effect
               of corporate governance across the Group. The Board   from April 30, 2017, to pursue other personal endeavours.
               recognises  that  effective  corporate  governance  is  a  key   Mr. Emmanuel Chiejina also retired from the Board effec-
               imperative to achieving the sustainable growth of the en-  tive June 23, 2017, following his successful completion of
               terprise. Accordingly, the Group’s governance framework is   the maximum 12 years term limit prescribed by the CBN’s
               designed to ensure on-going compliance with the Central   Code. Mrs. Ojinika Olaghere, Executive Director in charge of
               Bank of Nigeria’s Code of Corporate Governance for Banks   Operations and Information Technology also on October
               and Discount Houses in Nigeria (‘the CBN Code’); the Se-  31, 2017 served the Board with notice of her resignation.
               curities  and  Exchange  Commission’s  Code  of  Corporate
               Governance for Public Companies (‘the SEC Code’); and the   The Board commends the directors that exited the Board
               Post Listing Rules of the Nigerian Stock Exchange. These, in   for their outstanding contributions to the progress of the
               addition to the Board charter and the Bank’s Memorandum   Bank and wishes them success in their future endeavours.
               and Articles of Association collectively provide the founda-  Following the resignation of Mr. Obinna Nwosu, the Board
               tion for sound corporate governance.  Our core values of   upon the recommendation of the Governance and Nom-
               excellence, innovation, leadership, passion for customers,   ination Committee appointed Mr. Roosevelt Ogbonna as
               professionalism and empowered employees continue to   Group Deputy Managing Director. Prior to his appointment,
               define our corporate behaviour.
                                                              Mr. Ogbonna was the Executive Director in charge of Com-
                                                              mercial  Banking  Division.  His  appointment  has  been  ap-
                                                              proved by the Central Bank of Nigeria. The Board, in a bid to
               Developments on the Board                      reinvigorate the Executive suite, on October 25, 2017 ap-
                                                              pointed Mr. Adeolu Bajomo and Ms. Hadiza Ambursa as Ex-
               There is no doubt that effective boards are made possible   ecutive Director, Information Technology and Operations
               by directors with appropriate skills, qualification and experi-  and Commercial Banking, North respectively. The three
               ence who are guided by integrity in their private and public   appointments have been approved by the Central Bank of
               behaviour. In recognition of this imperative, the Board has   Nigeria. The appointments of Mr. Adeolu Bajomo and Ms.
               established a formal process for the selection of new direc-  Hadiza Ambursa will be presented to shareholders for ap-
               tors to ensure the transparency of the nomination process.   proval at this meeting.
               The appointment process for directors is documented in
               the Group’s Fit and Proper Person Policy and is led by the
               Board Governance and Nomination Committee. The Com-
               mittee identifies candidates for appointment as directors in   Retirement and Re-election of Directors
               consultation with the Chairman, the Group Managing Direc-  In accordance with the Bank’s Articles of Association, one
               tor and/or any other director, or through the use of search   third of all Non-Executive Directors (rounded down) are
               firms or other methods as the Committee deems neces-  offered for re-election every year (depending on their ten-
               sary. Once candidates have been identified, the Commit-  ure on the Board) together with directors appointed by the
               tee will confirm that they meet the criteria contained in the   Board since the last Annual General Meeting. In keeping
               policy and relevant statutes and regulations. The Commit-  with this requirement, Dr. Ernest Ndukwe and Mrs. Antho-
               tee may gather information about the candidates through   nia Ogunmefun, will retire during this Annual General Meet-
               interviews, questionnaires, enhanced due diligence checks   ing and being eligible for re-election will submit themselves
               or any other means that the Committee deems necessary.   for re-election. The Board is convinced that the directors
               The Committee meets to discuss and evaluate the quali-  standing for approval and re-election will continue to add
               ties and skills of each candidate, taking into account the   value to the Bank. The Board believes that they are required
               overall composition and needs of the Board. Based on the   to maintain the balance of skill, knowledge and experience
               outcome of the evaluation, the Committee recommends   on the Board. The biographical details of the directors
               candidates to the Board for appointment as directors sub-  standing for election are set out on page 354-355 of this
               ject to the approval of shareholders and the Central Bank   Annual Report.
               of Nigeria.
               In accordance with the Bank’s Articles of Association, Mrs.
               Mosun Belo-Olusoga and Mr. Paul Usoro retired at the
               Bank’s 29th Annual General Meeting held on March 29,

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