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chairs  the  Board  Governance  and  Nomination  and  Board   ing.
               Remuneration Committees.

               He is aged 59 at the date of this meeting.     Iboroma akpana
                                                              Independent Non- Executive Director

               Abba Mamman Tor Habib                          Mr. Akpana is the Managing Partner of Solola & Akpana, one
               Non-Executive Director                         of the leading commercial and oil and gas law firms in Nige-
                                                              ria. He is a consummate corporate and commercial lawyer
               Mr. Habib is a thoroughbred banking professional with over   with a career spanning over two decades. Mr. Akpana has a
               20 years’ experience, 15 of which were spent with Guaranty   proven track record of academic excellence. He graduated
               Trust Bank Plc where he voluntarily resigned in 2008 as an   as a top student in Law from the University of Jos and ob-
               Executive Director. His experience in Guaranty Trust Bank   tained a Master’s Degree from Harvard Law School.
               spanned Corporate Banking and Risk Management.
                                                              He is a Notary of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. Based on
               Mr. Habib is the Managing Director of Gremcoh Services   his work, he was recognised in the Chambers Global 2006,
               Limited, his  family owned agricultural and real  estate en-  2007, 2008 and 2009 editions as a ‘Leading Individual’ in
               terprise. He holds a First Class Bachelor of Science degree   Nigeria in its Corporate and Commercial section. Similarly,
               in Agricultural Economics from the University of Maiduguri   the International Financial Law Review 1000 ranked him as a
               and a Master of Science in Banking and Finance from Bayero   ‘Leading Lawyer’ in Nigeria in its 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009
               University, Kano.                              editions while the Legal 500 Europe, Middle East and Africa
                                                              profiled him as a ‘Recommended Individual’.
               He has attended several Executive Development Pro-
               grammes in leading institutions including African Develop-  Mr. Akpana is a member of the International Bar Associa-
               ment Bank, Harvard, IMD, D.C Gardner London and INSEAD.  tion, American Bar Association, New York State Bar Asso-
                                                              ciation, Nigerian Bar Association and the Law Society of
               He joined the Board in January 2016 and currently serves as
               the Vice-Chairman of the Board Credit and Finance Com-  England and Wales.
               mittee.                                        He joined the Board in March 2017.

               Mr Habib is 56 years old as at the date of this meeting.  Mr Akpana is the Vice-Chairman of the Board Remunera-
                                                              tion Committee
               adeniyi adekoya                                He is aged 53 years old as at the date of this meeting.
               Independent Non- Executive Director

               Mr. Adekoya is a highly experienced maritime and oil and   Herbert Wigwe, FCA
               gas industry expert with significant investment banking ex-  group Managing Director /Chief executive Officer
               perience. He is currently an Executive Director of Synerpet
               Nigeria Limited (formerly Akeprime Limited). Prior to this,   Mr. Wigwe started his professional career with Coopers &
               he had been a General Manager of Peacegate Holdings Ltd   Lybrand Associates, an international firm of Chartered Ac-
               where he was responsible for setting up and developing the   countants. He spent over 10 years at Guaranty Trust Bank
               company’s marine operations.                   Plc where he managed several portfolios, including financial
                                                              institutions, large corporates and multinationals. He left
               He was also consultant to Maine Nigeria Ltd where he de-  Guaranty Trust Bank as an Executive Director to co-lead
               veloped the framework for the private placement to raise   the  transformation  of  Access  Bank  Plc  in  March  2002  as
               USD 500 million start-up capital and led the company’s par-  Deputy Managing Director. He was appointed Group Man-
               ticipation in bid rounds for oil blocks in the Republic of Equa-  aging Director/CEO effective January 1, 2014. Mr Wigwe is
               torial Guinea. He worked with Mobil Oil Producing Nigeria   an alumnus of the Harvard Business School Executive Man-
               Unlimited as a Budget Officer, Exploration Department, and   agement Programme.
               also  obtained  financial  service  industry  experience  from
               AIM Fund and Trimark Investment Service, both in Ontario,   He holds a Master’s degree in Banking and International Fi-
               Canada.                                        nance from the University College of North Wales; a Mas-
                                                              ter’s degree in Financial Economics from the University of
               Mr. Adekoya holds a Bachelors degree in Business Adminis-  London and a B.Sc. degree in Accounting from the Univer-
               tration from the University of Lagos.          sity of Nigeria, Nsukka. He is also a Fellow of the Institute of
                                                              Chartered Accountants of Nigeria (ICAN). Mr Wigwe is also
               He joined the Board in March 2017 and is the Vice-Chair-
               man of the Board Digital and Information Technology Com-  the Chairman of The Access Bank (UK) Ltd and a Non-Ex-
               mittee.                                        ecutive Director of Nigerian Mortgage Refinance Company
               Mr Adekoya is aged 51 years old as at the date of this meet-

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