P. 123
He is 51 years old as at the date of this meeting. banking experience covers Operations, Business Develop-
ment, General Administration and Information Technology.
Roosevelt Ogbonna, FCA Mrs. Olaghere holds a Second Class Upper degree in French
Group Deputy Managing Director Language from the University of Nigeria, Nsukka. She is a
Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria.
Mr Ogbonna was appointed Executive Director, Commer- She has attended Executive Management Development
cial Banking Division in October 2013 and became Group Programmes in several leading institutions. She represents
Deputy Managing Director on May 1, 2017. He has over 20 the Bank on the Governing Council of Bank Directors Asso-
years’ experience in banking, cutting across Treasury, Com- ciation of Nigeria.
mercial and Corporate Banking. He joined Access Bank in
2002 as a manager from Guaranty Trust Bank Plc. The Board received Mrs Olaghere’s notice of resignation
from the Bank on October 31, 2017.
He is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of
Nigeria and holds a Second Class Upper degree in Bank-
ing and Finance from the University of Nigeria, Nsukka. He titi Osuntoki, HCIB
has attended Executive Management Development Pro- Executive Director
grammes in several leading institutions. Business Banking
Mr. Ogbonna represents the Bank on the boards of Access Mrs. Osuntoki was appointed Executive Director, Business
Bank (Zambia) Ltd, Central Securities Clearing System Plc, Banking in October 2013. She is an accomplished banker
Africa Finance Corporation and The Access Bank (UK) Lim- with over two decades’ experience cutting across sev-
ited. eral facets of banking. She joined Guaranty Trust Bank in
1991 and was appointed Executive Director in 2008. She
He is 43 years old as at the date of this meeting. resigned from Guaranty Trust Bank in October 2011. Until
her appointment at Access Bank, she was an Independent
Non-Executive Director of Wapic Insurance Plc.
victor etuokwu, HCIB
Executive Director She holds a Second Class Upper degree in Civil Engineering
Personal Banking and a Masters of Business Administration from the Univer-
sity of Lagos. Mrs. Osuntoki is a Honorary Senior Member
Mr. Etuokwu’s appointment as Executive Director was re-
newed in October 2013 following the expiration of his initial of the Chartered Institute of Bankers of Nigeria. She has at-
term. He was first appointed Executive Director of Access tended Executive Management Development Programmes
Bank in January 2012, He oversees the Personal Banking in several leading business schools. She represents the
Division and has over two decades of banking experience Bank on the Board of Financial Institutions Training Centre.
cutting across Operations, Information Technology, and Mrs Osuntoki is aged 51 years as at the date of this meet-
Business Development. He joined the Bank in July 2003 ing.
from Citibank Nigeria.
He holds a Bachelor of Science degree and a Masters in Gregory Ovie Jobome
Business Administration from the University of Ibadan and executive Director/Chief risk Officer
the University of Benin respectively. Mr Etuokwu is a Honor-
ary Senior Member of the Chartered Institute of Bankers of Dr. Jobome is a thoroughbred banking professional with an
Nigeria and represents the Bank on the boards of E-Tran- excellent academic pedigree. He obtained a First Classde-
zact Plc and Unified Payments Services Limited. gree in Economics from the University of Maiduguri in 1986
and a Distinction in Master of Business Administration de-
Mr. Etuokwu is 50 years old as at the date of the meeting. gree from Obafemi Awolowo University in 1990. Dr Jobome
also obtained a Master of Science Degree (1994) and a
Doctorate degree (2002) both in Economics and Finance
Ojinika Olaghere, FCa
Executive Director from Loughborough University, UK. He has over 25 years of
Operations and Information Technology working experience obtained from Guaranty Trust Bank Plc,
the University of Liverpool Management School, Manches-
Mrs. Olaghere was appointed Executive Director, Opera- ter Business School and Access Bank Plc. He joined Access
tions and IT in October 2013. She has over 23 years of bank- Bank Plc in July 2010 as a General Manager and Chief Risk
ing experience, 16 of which were with Ecobank Group. She Officer. Prior to joining the Bank, he was a Risk Management
joined Access Bank in August 2007 as a General Manager Consultant to Guaranty Trust Bank Plc. Dr Jobome has
in charge of Enterprise Business Support. She was appoint- been instrumental to the many giant strides attained by the
ed Executive Director of the defunct Intercontinental Bank Bank in the risk management space.
in October 2011 upon its acquisition by Access Bank. Her
Dr. Jobome is a highly sought-after resource person and
Access BAnk Plc 123
Annual Report & Accounts 2017