P. 128

Reports of Board Committees                    sibilities in relation to all matters on corporate governance,
                                                              sustainability and nominations affecting the Bank, directors
               The report of the activities of the Board Committees in   and employees. It is responsible for determining and exe-
               2017 are as documented below.                  cuting the processes for Board appointments, nominations
                                                              and removal of non-performing directors.
               Board Governance & Nomination Committee
                                                              The key decisions of the Committee in the reporting period
               The membership of the Committee and attendance at
               meetings in 2017 are as set out below.         included: recommendation of board appointments; review
                                                              and recommendation of human resources policies to the
                                                              Board for approval, and consideration of quarterly reports
                Name             Jan    Apr    Jul   Oct
                                 10th   11th   11th  9th      on human resources and sustainability.
                Emmanuel Chiejina  ✓    ✓      Retired        The Committee met four times in 2017 financial year.
                Paul Usoro       ✓      ✓      ✓     ✓
                                                              Mr. Paul  Usoro succeeded  Mr. Emmanuel  Chiejina as  the
                Anthonia Ogunmefun  ✓   ✓      ✓     ✓
                                                              Chairman of the Committee following the latter’s comple-
                Ajoritsedere Awosika  ✓  ✓     ✓     ✓        tion of his term limit on June 23, 2017.
                Ernest Ndukwe    ✓      ✓      ✓     ✓
                Iboroma Akpana   Not yet a member  ✓  ✓
                Adeniyi Adekoya  Not yet a member  ✓  ✓       Board Credit & Finance Committee
                Herbert Wigwe    ✓      ✓      ✓     ✓
                                                              The membership of the Committee and attendance at
               The Committee advises the Board on its oversight respon-  meetings in 2017 are as set out below.

           Name             Jan   Feb    Mar   Apr    May   Jun    Jun   Jul    Aug   Sep    Oct   Nov   Dec
                            10th  15th   15th  11th   17th  14th   23rd  11th   16th  13th   9th   15th  15th
           Ajoritsedere Awosika  ✓  ✓    ✓     ✓      ✓     ✓      ✓     ✓      ✓     ✓      ✓     ✓     ✓
           Abba Mamman Tor   Apol-  ✓    ✓     ✓      ✓     Apol-  Apol-  ✓     ✓     ✓      ✓     On    ✓
           Habib            ogy                             ogy    ogy                             train-
           Emmanuel Chiejina  ✓   ✓      ✓     ✓      ✓     ✓      ✓     Retired
           Anthonia Ogunmefun  ✓  ✓      ✓     ✓      ✓     ✓      ✓     ✓      ✓     ✓      ✓     ✓     ✓
           Ernest Ndukwe    ✓     ✓      ✓     ✓      ✓     ✓      ✓     ✓      ✓     ✓      ✓     ✓     ✓
           Paul Usoro       ✓     ✓      ✓     ✓      ✓     ✓      ✓     ✓      ✓     ✓      ✓     ✓     ✓
           Iboroma Akpana   ✓     ✓      ✓            ✓     ✓      ✓     ✓      Apol-  ✓     ✓     ✓      ✓
                            Not yet a member
           Adeniyi Adekoya  Not yet a member          ✓     ✓      ✓     ✓      ✓     ✓      ✓     ✓      ✓
           Herbert Wigwe                                    ✓      ✓     ✓      ✓     ✓      ✓     ✓      ✓
                            ✓     ✓     ✓      ✓     ✓
           Obinna Nwosu     Apol-  ✓     Apol-  ✓     Resigned
                            ogy          ogy
           Roosevelt Ogbonna  ✓   ✓      Apol-  ✓     ✓     ✓      ✓     ✓      ✓     ✓      ✓     ✓      ✓
           Victor Etuokwu   ✓     ✓      Apol-  ✓     ✓     ✓      ✓     ✓      ✓     ✓      ✓     ✓      ✓
           Titi Osuntoki    ✓     ✓      ✓     ✓      ✓     ✓      ✓     ✓      ✓     ✓      ✓     ✓      ✓
           Gregory Jobome   ✓     ✓      ✓     ✓      ✓     ✓      ✓     ✓      ✓     ✓      ✓     ✓      ✓
           Hadiza Ambursa   Not yet a member                                                              ✓

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              Annual Report & Accounts  2017
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