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has held several key industry leadership positions, including;   In line with best practice, the Chairman and Chief Executive
               Director, CRC Credit Bureau Ltd; President, Risk Manage-  Officer’s roles are assumed by different individuals; this en-
               ment Association of Nigeria; Member, Working Group on   sures the balance of power and authority. The Board is able
               Regulatory Reforms of the Institute of International Finance   to reach impartial decisions as its Non-Executive Directors
               and Member, Capacity Building Committee, Chartered In-  are a blend of Independent and Non-Independent Direc-
               stitute of Bankers of Nigeria.                 tors with no Shadow or Alternate Directors, which ensures
                                                              that independent thought is brought to bear on decisions
               He joined the Board in January 2017.           of the Board.
               He is the Chairman of CRC Credit Bureau Ltd, an investee   The principal responsibility of the Board is to promote the
               company of the Bank.                           long-term success of the Group by creating and delivering
                                                              sustainable shareholder value. The Board leads and pro-
               Dr. Jobome is 52 years old as at the date of this meeting.
                                                              vides direction for the Management by setting policy direc-
                                                              tions and strategy, and by overseeing their implementation.
               Hadiza Ambursa                                 The Board seeks to ensure that Management delivers on
               Executive Director                             both its long-term growth and short-term objectives, strik-
               Commercial Banking (North)                     ing the right balance between both goals. In setting and
                                                              monitoring the execution of our strategy, consideration is
               Ms. Ambursa was appointed Executive Director, Commer-  given to the impact that those decisions will have on the
               cial Banking- North in November 2017. She has over two   Group’s obligations to various stakeholders, such as share-
               decades’ banking experience from Guaranty Trust Bank and   holders, employees, suppliers and the community in which
               Access Bank. Her experience covers Transaction Services,   the Group operates as a whole.
               Public Sector, Commercial Banking and Corporate Finance.
               Prior to joining Access Bank in 2003, she was a Relationship   The Board is responsible for ensuring that robust systems
               Manager Public Sector in Guaranty Trust Bank Plc.  of internal controls are maintained and that Management
                                                              maintains an effective risk management and oversight pro-
               She graduated with a Bachelor’s of Science degree in Politi-  cess across the Group so that growth is delivered in a con-
               cal Science from University of Jos in 1991 and also obtained   trolled and sustainable way. In addition, the Board is respon-
               a Master’s degree in Law and Diplomacy in 1996 from the   sible for determining and promoting the collective vision of
               same university. She subsequently attended Massachu-  the Group’s purpose, values, culture and behaviours.
               setts Institute of Technology (‘MIT’) where she obtained a
               Master’s  in  Business  Administration  in  2009.  She  has  at-  In carrying out its oversight functions, matters reserved for
               tended several Executive Management Development Pro-  the Board include but are not limited to:
               grammes in leading institutions, including Harvard Business
               School and MIT.                                •   Defining the Bank’s business strategy and objectives.
                                                              •   Formulating risk policies.
               Ms Ambursa represents the Bank on the Board of Access
               Bank (Gambia) Ltd.                             •   Approval of quarterly, half yearly and full year financial
               She is 47years old as at the date of this meeting.
                                                              •   Approval of significant changes in accounting policies
                                                                  and practices.
               Sunday ekwochi
               Company Secretary                              •   Appointment or removal of Directors and the Compa-
                                                                  ny Secretary.
               Mr. Ekwochi was appointed the Company Secretary of the
               Bank in March 2010. He graduated as a top student in Law   •   Approval of major acquisitions, divestments of oper-
               from the University of Jos with a Second Class Upper de-  ating companies, disposal of capital assets or capital
               gree in 1996 and from the Nigerian Law School in February   expenditure.
               1998 with a Second Class Upper degree.  He has over 18
               years’ banking experience from the then African Express   •   Approval of charter and membership of Board Com-
               Bank, Fidelity Bank and Access Bank Plc.           mittees.

               Mr. Ekwochi qualified as a Chartered Secretary with the In-  •   Setting of annual Board objectives and goals.
               stitute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators, Lon-
               don in 2003. He has attended Management Development   •   Approval of allotment of shares.
               Programmes at London Business School, Euromoney,   •   Appointment and removal of the Chief Audit Execu-
               Wharton Business School and IMD. He is an Honorary Se-  tive.
               nior Member of the Chartered Institute of Bankers of Nige-
               ria.                                           •   Approval of the framework for determining the policy

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