P. 244

5.1.5      (a)i        Concentration by location for loans and advances is measured based on the location of the
                              Group entity holding the asset, which has a high correlation with the location of the borrower.
                              Concentration by location for investment securities is measured based on the location of the
                              issuer of the security.

                By geography

                December 2017                  Nigeria        Rest of    Europe       Others      Total
                In thousands of Naira

                Cash and balances with banks   543,056,552    54,026,117    276,361,986    80,449,743    953,894,398
                Investment under management    20,257,131     -          -            -           20,257,131
                Non pledged trading assets
                Treasury bills                 33,906,748     3,837,071    -          -           37,743,819
                Bonds                          9,050,894      -          -            -           9,050,894
                Derivative financial instruments   91,071,217    1,029,074    265,547    1,053,455    93,419,293
                Loans and advances to banks    1,293,590      -          66,820,486    -          68,114,076
                Loans and advances to customers
                Auto Loan                      3,243,530      206,530    -            -           3,450,060
                Credit Card                    3,263,598      147,029    -            -           3,410,627
                Finance Lease                  3,486,367      1,155,733    -          -           4,642,100
                Mortgage Loan                  4,162,867      359,036    39,100,026    -          43,621,930
                Overdraft                      142,060,909    42,199,850    -         -           184,260,759
                Personal Loan                  14,613,195     2,524,752    -          -           17,137,946
                Term Loan                      1,165,111,472    39,818,776    34,763,385    -      1,239,693,633
                Time Loan                      435,157,504    8,181,813    56,431,255    -        499,770,572
                Pledged assets
                Treasury bills                 252,061,738    6,611,077    -          -           258,672,815
                Bonds                          188,441,589    -           -           -           188,441,589
                Investment securities
                 - Available for sale
                Treasury bills                 9,598,736      20,378,715    -         -           29,977,451
                Bonds                          28,066,294     16,017,820    -         9,995,254    54,079,368
                - Held to Maturity
                Treasury bills                 5,837,568      82,365,797    -         -           88,203,365
                Bonds                          7,051,660      2,065,195    -          27,473,727    36,590,582
                Other assets                   31,813,828     14,868,165    -         117,203     46,799,196
                Total                         2,992,606,986    295,792,550   473,742,685   119,089,382  3 ,881,231,605

          244 Access BAnk Plc
              Annual Report & Accounts  2017
   239   240   241   242   243   244   245   246   247   248   249