P. 246

By geography

                December 2016                  Nigeria        Rest of    Europe       Others              Total
                In thousands of Naira

                Cash and balances with banks   415,235,668    47,170,554    200,997,037    -         663,403,258
                Investment under management    14,871,247     -          -            -               14,871,247
                Non pledged trading assets
                Treasury bills                 34,381,635     -          -            -               34,381,635
                Bonds                          10,170,293     -          18,304       -               10,188,597
                Derivative financial instruments   149,856,253    1,388,281    97,119    4,701,331    156,042,983
                Loans and advances to banks    5,156,475      -          40,046,527    -              45,203,002
                Loans and advances to customers
                Auto Loan                      4,366,544      84,204     -            -               4,450,748
                Credit Card                    3,935,784      43,450     -            -               3,979,235
                Finance Lease                  3,987,898      -          -            -               3,987,898

                Mortgage Loan                  4,996,952      918,895     24,304,711    -             30,220,557
                Overdraft                      130,272,256    45,017,450    -         -              175,289,705
                Personal Loan                  16,789,104     1,282,968    -          -               18,072,072
                Term Loan                      1,017,646,255    48,440,037    22,632,958    -       1,088,719,249
                Time Loan                      412,567,554    28,556,750    43,615,404    -          484,739,708
                Pledged assets
                Treasury bills                 188,239,520    -           -           -              188,239,520
                Bonds                          126,707,982    -           -           -              126,707,982
                Investment securities
                 - Available for sale
                Treasury bills                 40,960,665     6,092,117    22,293,819    -            69,346,602
                Bonds                          18,939,219     13,297,546    655,084    -              32,891,849
                - Held to Maturity
                Treasury bills                 -              27,350,114    -         -               27,350,114
                Bonds                          37,917,493     737,963     2,445,558    -              41,101,014
                Other assets                   32,437,346     7,685,644    1,673,078    -             41,796,067
                Total                         2,669,436,141    228,065,973   358,779,599   4,701,331    3,260,983,045

                Credit risk exposures relating to othr credit commitments at gross amount are as follows:

                Transaction related bonds and guar-   136,163,848    48,420,025    1,667,845    -      186,251,718
                Guaranteed facilities          85,513,821     14,068,888    -         -               99,582,709
                Clean line facilities for letters of credit    158,994,793   16,950,311    85,263,139    -      261,208,243
                and other commitments
                Future, swap and forward contracts   744,259,779    33,663,881    128,787,677    26,362,557    933,073,893
                Total                         1,124,932,241    113,103,105   215,718,659   26,362,557    1,480,116,564

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              Annual Report & Accounts  2017
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