P. 344
Profit before income tax 80,072,480 90,339,456 75,038,117 52,022,290 44,996,410
Profit from continuing operations 61,990,852 71,439,347 65,868,773 43,063,479 36,101,830
Discontinued operations - - - (87,267) 265,760
Profit for the year 61,990,852 71,439,347 65,868,773 42,976,212 36,367,590
Non controlling interest 13,090 322,322 536,233 560,883 195,762
Profit attributable to equity holders 61,977,762 71,117,024 65,332,540 42,415,329 36,171,828
Dividend paid 18,803,180 15,910,384 15,241,014 13,729,777 13,729,777
Earning per share - Basic 218k 249k 265k 189k 158k
- Adjusted 214k 245k 262k 189k 158k
Number of ordinary shares of 50k 28,927,971,631 28,927,971,631 28,927,971,631 22,882,918,908 22,882,918,908
Other financial Information
Five-year Financial Summary
Bank December December December December December
2017 2016 2015 2014 2013
12 months 12 months 12 months 12 months 12 months
In thousands of Naira N’000 N’000 N’000 N’000 N’000
Cash and balances with banks 657,144,247 517,997,249 405,998,636 351,174,879 395,808,747
Investment under management 20,257,131 14,871,247 10,403,608 - -
Non pledged trading assets 43,016,990 44,629,579 52,298,422 28,411,644 3,877,969
Pledged assets 440,503,327 314,947,502 200,464,624 85,183,353 63,347,823
Derivative financial instruments 92,390,219 155,772,662 77,852,349 24,831,145 72,675
Loans and advances to banks 101,429,001 104,006,574 60,414,721 55,776,837 13,048,651
Loans and advances to customers 1,771,282,739 1,594,562,345 1,243,215,309 1,019,908,848 735,300,741
Investment securities 121,537,303 161,200,642 155,994,798 226,137,983 309,071,802
Insurance receivables - - - - -
Other assets 65,189,797 50,594,480 78,623,381 48,246,307 44,326,360
Investment properties - - - - 23,974,789
Investments in equity accounted investee - - - - 1,521,812
Investment in subsidiary 87,794,631 59,239,252 45,439,246 40,120,572 38,029,992
Property and equipment 83,676,722 71,824,472 65,900,384 64,160,327 63,203,245
Intangible assets 5,981,905 5,173,784 4,977,908 4,436,814 2,661,553
Deferred tax assets - - 10,180,832 10,128,537 9,847,853
Assets classified as held for sale 9,479,967 140,727 179,843 23,438,484 -
Total assets 3,499,683,979 3,094,960,515 2,411,944,061 1,981,955,730 1,704,094,012
Deposits from banks 276,140,835 95,122,188 63,343,785 134,509,662 61,295,352
Deposits from customers 1,910,773,713 1,813,042,872 1,528,213,883 1,324,800,611 1,217,176,793
Derivative financial instruments 5,306,450 30,275,181 2,416,378 1,737,791 -
Debt securities issued 302,106,706 243,952,418 78,516,655 73,155,391 -
Current tax liabilities 4,547,920 5,004,160 6,442,311 7,113,226 6,075,590
Other liabilities 238,695,686 107,538,941 64,094,358 16,870,132 52,092,559
Retirement benefit obligations 2,481,916 3,064,597 5,567,800 3,267,364 -
344 Access BAnk Plc
Annual Report & Accounts 2017