P. 349
Result Announcement The Bank ensures complete access to financial performance information
through the publication of quarterly and annual results in the papers and online
Following the publication of the Bank’s results is the conference call with
Conference calls
shareholders. investors and analysts. The conference calls provide the investors
community to gain a better understanding of the Bank’s performance and future
Annual General The Annual General Meeting is an annual event during which the Bank’s Board
Meeting (AGM) and Senior Management meet with shareholders to discuss the Bank’s perfor-
mance, strategy and other concerns of shareholders. Decisions are reached
by majority vote as required by law.
Shareholder In addition to the Annual General Meeting, the Bank considers it important
Associations to hear from representatives of various shareholder associations in order to
Meeting address shareholders’ concerns and receive advice from shareholders.
Non-Deal Road The Bank’s management team ensures that it meets international and local
Show Shareholders at least once a year.
Strategy Presentation at The Bank on December 4, 2017 presented its 2018-2022 strategic plan
the Stock exchange to the investors community at the Nigerian Stock Exchange. The occas-
sion provided the Board and Management the opportunity to receive
investors’ views about the Bank’s performance and future prospects as
well as their expectations from the Bank.
Rights and responsibilities of Shareholders Enquiries and Complaints Management
Our Shareholders are encouraged to share in the The Investors Enquiries and Complaints Management Pol-
responsibility of sustaining the Bank’s corporate values by icy (‘the Policy’) sets out the manner and circumstances in
exercising their rights which include which the Shareholders of the Bank may contact the Bank
• Voting at the Shareholders’ meeting regarding their shareholding interest in the Bank and how
• Sharing in the property of the company upon dissolu- the Bank will address the shareholders’ concerns. It pro-
tion vides guidance to the individuals within the Bank that are
• Participating in Shareholders’ meetings responsible for handling and resolving shareholders’ com-
• Electing and removing Directors plaints or enquiries. The policy provides for efficient, fair
• Approving bylaws and changes thereto and timely management and resolution of shareholders’
• Appointing the auditor of the Bank enquiries and complaints.
• Examining corporate records, financial statements and
Directors’ reports and The policy is made pursuant to the Securities and Exchange
• Approving major or fundamental changes (such as Commission’s rules relating to the Complaints Manage-
those affecting a company’s structure or business ac- ment Framework of the Nigerian Capital Market and the
tivities). implementing Circular Number NSE/LARD/CIR6/15/04/22
issued by the Nigerian Stock Exchange and is contained in
Page 365 of this report.
Retail Shareholders Institutional Investors & Financial Analysts
Phone 234-1-2364130 234-1-2364130
Contact United Securities Ltd. Investor Relations Unit
Address Plot 09, Amodu Ojikutu Street, Access Bank Plc
Victoria Island, Lagos. Plot 999c, Danmole Street,
Shareholder Services Unit, Victoria Island, Lagos.
Access Bank Plc.
Plot 999c, Danmole Street,
Victoria Island, Lagos.
Access BAnk Plc 349
Annual Report & Accounts 2017