P. 361
29TH ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING to be held at Balmoral Convention Centre, Federal Palace Hotel, 6-8, Ahmadu
Bello Way, Victoria Island, Lagos on Wednesday, April 25, 2018 at 10:00 a.m.
(Name of Shareholder in block letters)
Being a member/(s) of the above named Company hereby appoints................................. and failing him/her the
Chairman of the meeting as my/our proxy to vote for me/us and on my/our behalf at the 29th Annual General
Meeting of the Company to be held on Wednesday, April 25, 2018 and at any adjournment thereof. Unless other-
wise instructed, the Proxy will vote or abstain from voting as he/she thinks fit.
1. To receive the Group’s Audited Financial Statements for
the year ended December 31, 2017 and the Reports of IMPORTANT NOTES:
the Directors, Auditors and Audit Committee thereon.
2. To declare a final dividend. 1. Before posting the above proxy, please tear
off this part and retain it. A person attending
3 To re-elect Dr. Ernest Ndukwe as an Independent the Annual General Meeting of the Bank or
Non-Executive Director.
his proxy should produce this card to secure
4. To re-elect Mrs. Anthonia O. Ogunmefun as a Non-Execu- admission to the meeting.
tive Director.
5. To approve the appointment of Ms. Hadiza Ambursa who 2. A member of the Bank is entitled to attend
was appointed as an Executive Director by the Board since and vote at the Annual General Meeting of
the last Annual General Meeting. the Bank. He is also entitled to appoint a
6. To approve the appointment of Mr. Adeolu Bajomo who proxy to attend and vote instead of him, and
was appointed as an Executive Director by the Board since in this case, the above card may be used to
the last Annual General Meeting. appoint a proxy.
7. To authorise the Directors to fix the remuneration of the
Auditors. 3. In line with best practice, the name of two Di-
rectors of the Bank have been entered on the
8. To elect/re-elect members of the Audit Committee.
proxy form to ensure that someone will be at
SPECIAL BUSINESS/ORDINARY RESOLUTIONS FOR AGAINST ABSTAIN the meeting to act as your proxy, but if you
9. That the Directors’ fees for the financial year ending wish, you may insert in the black space on
December 31, 2018 be and is hereby fixed at NGN the form (marked*) the name of any person,
51,875,000.00 (fifty-one million, eight hundred and whether a member of the Bank or not who
seventy-five thousand Naira only). will attend and vote on your behalf instead of
10 That the Board of Directors be and is hereby autho- one of the Directors named.
rised to increase the size of the Bank’s existing USD
1,000,000,000.00 (One Bilion United States Dollars) Debt 4. The above proxy, when completed must be
Issuance Programme to USD1,500,000.000 (One Billion, deposited at the office of United Securities
Five Hundred Million United States Dollars) through the
issuance of non-convertible loans, notes, bonds and or Limited, Plot 09 Amodu Ojikutu Street, off
any other instruments whether by way of a public offer- Saka Tinubu Street, Victoria Island, Lagos,
ing, private placement, book building process, reverse call not less than 48 hours before the time fixed
enquiry or any other method or combination of methods, for the meeting.
in such tranches, series or proportions and at such dates,
coupon or interest rates within such maturity periods and
upon such terms and conditions as may be determined by 5. It is a requirement of the law under the
the Board of Directors subject to obtaining the requisite Stamp Duties Act, Cap 58, Laws of the Fed-
approvals of the relevant regulatory authorities. eration of Nigeria, 2004, that any instrument
of proxy to be used for the purpose of voting
11. That the Board of Directors be and is hereby authorised to
take all actions that may be necessary to give effect to the by any person entitled to vote at any meeting
foregoing resolutions. of shareholders must bear a stamp duty.
Please indicate with an ‘X’ in the appropriate box how you may wish your votes to be 6. If proxy form is executed by a company, it
should be sealed under its common
cast on the resolutions set above. Unless otherwise instructed, the proxy will vote or seal or the hand and seal of its attorney.
abstain from voting at his discretion.
Before posting the above form please tear off this part and retain it for admission to the meeting Please tick appropriate box
before admission to the
Please admit the Shareholder named on this admission form or his/her appointed proxy to the PROXY
29th Annual General Meeting to be Held At Balmoral Convention Centre,
Federal Palace Hotel, 6-8, Ahmadu Bello Way, Victoria Island, Lagos, on SHAREHOLDER
Wednesday, April 25, 2018 at 10:00 a.m.
Name of Shareholder: ...........................................................................................................................................
Address of Shareholder ........................................................................................................................................
Number of Shares Held ........................................................................................................................................
Sunday ekwochi
Company Secretary
999C, Danmole Street, Victoria Island, Lagos.