P. 364
iii. Ability to initiate certificate dematerialisation request c) Complaint management and resolution procedure and
and follow up on the status of the request independ- requirements
ent of the stock broker prior to the broker submitting
the physical documentation. d) Anticipated closure time.
iv. On-line change of address without having to write the
5. 2 The Bank shall endeavour to resolve all complaints
received by it within ten (10) working days (upon the
shareholder meeting all conditions precedent) and no-
How to Access the Web Registry Service tify the competent authority within two (2) days of the
i. Download form from the Registrar’s website at www. 5.3 Where the complaint is not resolved within the given
time frame, the complainant may refer the complain to
ii. Complete form and return to the Registrar the Competent Authority within two (2) working days
enclosing a summary of events leading to the referral
iii. Pay an Annual Subscription fee of N1,000
and copies of relevant supporting documents.
iv. Receive log-on detail and password
v. Access portal on the Registrar’s website.
The Web Registry provides a quick, convenient and AND REPORTING
secure way for conducting standard shareholders’ en- The Bank shall maintain an Electronic Register for
quiries and transactions.
Complaints and Enquiries. The register shall contain
the following information:
4.4. Investor relations Desk at the Bank’s Branches i. The date the enquiry or complaint was received;
Shareholders can visit any of the Bank’s branches na- ii. Name of the shareholder;
tionwide and submit their completed forms or com-
plaint letters at the branch which are transmitted to the iii. Telephone number, e-mail address or other contact
Investor Relations Unit for resolution or referenced to details;
the Registrar as the case may be.
iv. Nature of enquiry or complaint;
v. Details of enquiry
VESTOR RELATIONS UNIT vi. Whether there is any cost associated;
Access Bank is committed to responding to share- vii. Action taken;
holders’ enquiries and complaints fairly and promptly,
whether by email, telephone or post. The following ac- viii. Copy of all correspondence sent to the shareholder
tions will be taken upon receipt of an enquiry or com- ix. Remarks and Comments.
5.1 Complaints received by e-mail shall be acknowledged
by e-mail within two (2) working days. Where com- The Company Secretary shall compile and file electronic
plaints are received by post, the Bank shall respond copies of the report to the Nigerian Stock Exchange on a
within five (5) working days of the receipt of the com- quarterly basis at or any other e-mail ad-
plaint. The Bank will respond using the same or simi- dress as may be advised by the Nigerian Stock Exchange.
lar medium that was used for the initial enquiry unless
otherwise notified or agreed with the shareholder. The
acknowledgement letter will typically contain the fol- 7. LIAISON WITH THE BANK’S REGISTRAR
lowing information.
In investigating a shareholder’s enquiry, complaint or feed-
a) Details of how the complainant will be updated on the back, the Bank may liaise with the Registrar. If necessary, the
complaint status.
Bank’s engagement with the Registrars will include:
b) Name, designation and direct contact of the officer
dealing with the complaint.
364 Access BAnk Plc
Annual Report & Accounts 2017