Page 222 - MarTol Css Cblm Basic
P. 222


                                          INFORMATION SHEET 4.2-4
                          Employees Compensation Commission Regulations

               Learning objectives:
                       After reading this information sheet, you must be able to:

                            Know the importance of ECC regulations.

                       The  Employees  Compensation  Commission  is  part  of  the  Philippines
               Department and Employment Agency in the Philippines. The goal of the program is
               to ensure fair job practices between employers and employees

               Employees' Compensation Commission
                       The  Employees'  Compensation  Commission  is  a  government  corporation
               created  on  November  1,  1974  by  virtue  of  Presidential  Decree  442  or  the  Labor
               Code of the Philippines. Attached to the Department of Labor and Employment, ECC
               provides services and benefits to both public and private sector employees.

                                                             Date Developed:
                          SECTOR         ELECTRONICS                             Document No.
                                                               May 04, 2020
              RTC                                                                Issued by:
          ZAMBOANGA       QUALIFI-         COMPUTER          Developed By:                         Page 221
               City       CATION             SYSTEM           Mario Elmer B.     Revision #___     of 256
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