Page 8 - MarTol Css Cblm Basic
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                                               CORE COMPETENCIES
                                                      160 HOURS
                   Unit of                                                                        Nominal
               Competency            Module Title                Learning Outcome                Duration
             1. Install and       1.1.  Installing and   1.1.1 Assemble computer hardware
                configure             configure          1.1.2 Install operating system and
                computer              computer                 drivers for peripherals/
                systems               systems                  devices.
                                                         1.1.3 Install the computer application   40Hours
                                                         1.1.4 Conduct testing and
             2. Set-up            2.1  Set-upping        2.1.1 Install network cables
                computer               computer          2.1.2 Set network configuration
                networks               networks          2.1.3 Set router/Wi-Fi/ wireless
                                                               access point/repeater              40Hours
                                                         2.1.4 Inspect and test the configured
                                                               computer networks
             3. Set-up            3.1.  Set-upping       3.1.1  Set-up user access
               Computer               Computer           3.1.2  Configure network services
               Servers                Servers            3.1.3  Perform testing,                  40Hours
                                                               documentation and pre-
                                                               deployment practices
             4. Maintain and      4.1.  Maintaining      4.1.1  Plan and prepare for
               repair                 and repair               maintenance and repair
               computer               computer           4.1.2  Maintain computer systems
               systems and            systems and              and networks
               networks               networks           4.1.3  Diagnose faults of computer
                                                               systems                            40Hours
                                                         4.1.4  Rectify/correct defects in
                                                               computer systems
                                                         4.1.5  Inspect and test the
                                                               computer systems and

               ASSESSMENT METHODS:
                     Written exam
                     Practical exam
                     Observation in workplace
                     Demonstration
                     Portfolio

                                                             Date Developed:
                          SECTOR         ELECTRONICS                             Document No.
                                                               May 04, 2020
              RTC                                                                Issued by:
          ZAMBOANGA       QUALIFI-         COMPUTER          Developed By:                         Page 7 of
               City       CATION             SYSTEM           Mario Elmer B.     Revision #___     256
                                        SERVICING NC II             Tolo
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