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                       In the later years of life, the individual comes into contact with his peers,
               school mates, teachers and other groups from whom he acquires new set of ideas,
               beliefs, values and attitudes.
                       As the individual moves through life, he comes across to more groups, and
               institutions, from them he discovers and learns another set of socio cultural

               How is Personality Developed?

                    Studies  in  Psychology  reveal  that  a  person  passes  through  various  stages  of
               development. It starts with infancy, childhood, puberty, adolescence and adulthood.
               The last stage is the state wherein the individual becomes fully mature in all aspects-
               physically, mentally, psychologically and emotionally.

                    During infancy, the need for attention and acceptance is most dominant. As the
               child  grows,  his  needs  are  centered  on  recognition,  affirmation  and  appreciation.
               Then upon reaching puberty and adolescence, he will experience a strong need for
               autonomy-  freedom  to  make  decisions  and  to  act  for  oneself,  without  being
               manipulated  by  parents  and  people  in  authority.  Unsatisfied  need in  each  level of
               growth  leads  to  what  is  termed  as  fixation,  a  situation  which  often  results  to
               obsession.  This  means  an  insatiable  craving  for  unsatisfied  needs  like  love,
               attention, recognition and autonomy. This obsession is carried over to the adult life.

                    Maslow contends that man starts to crave for the satisfaction of his lower needs-
               physiological/biological,  progressing  to  the  next  level-  need  for  safety  and
               acceptance.  Once  these  lower  needs  are  satisfied,  man  will  pursue  for  esteem
               needs  and  the  aim  for  the  highest  needs-  self-actualization  –  a  psychic  feeling  of
               fulfillment for having achieved a goal or having maximized the use of one‘s potentials
               and capacities.

               Personal growth and Stages of Development:

               The process of development takes place in four stages:

               Stage 1 – Understanding an Ideal
                       At this stage, the person is exposed to learning situations where he discovers
               an ideal- the ideal personality, qualities of a winning personality, the elements and
               conditions for growth and development. He is also able to differentiate functional vs.
               dysfunctional behavior and their damage consequences. These knowledge provide
               the framework for understanding his behavior and personality.

               Stage 2 – Self awareness
                       After discovering the ideal, the person goes into self-mirroring. He looks into
               his personal qualities, behavior and compares this against the ideal. He discovers
               his  dysfunctional  behavior  and  how  it  has  affected  his  success,  happiness  and
               relationships with others.

                                                             Date Developed:
                          SECTOR         ELECTRONICS                             Document No.
                                                               May 04, 2020
              RTC                                                                Issued by:
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